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Age Your Own Whisk(e)y?

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alcoholreviews started a discussion

Hi, all.

I found a distillery in Virginia, U.S.A. that provides one with spirit and a barrel for aging. I wrote a bit about it right here: alcoholreviews.com/wp/

What I'm curious to hear is whether anyone else has tried this, and what other distilleries are offering this.



13 years ago

4 replies

cowfish replied

I've not tried it myself although the idea of buying a small barrel and maturing stuff in it is something that I am intrigued by.

It looks like Lark in Tasmania do something similar (although I thought I read somewhere that they'd stopped):


Learn to make whisky, make some whisky, fill a cask, take it home. If I wasn't on the other side of the world in an apartment that is already full of random stuff I'd be booking a holiday now.

13 years ago 1Who liked this?


Thanks, gents! I have to bet that more small distilleries are going to get into this game. The kit I bought had a small barrel and stand, and came with two bottles of pure single malt barley whiskey. The cost was $100---clearly a profitable enterprise for the distillery!

13 years ago 0


@alcoholreviews Let us know how it turns out. I have a barrel on order and should arrive some time this week. I'll be putting in young grain whiskey, much like that kit.

13 years ago 0