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Ardbeg Ardbog

Groundhog Day in a good way

0 086

@RantavahtiReview by @Rantavahti

29th Nov 2013


Ardbeg Ardbog
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Ardbog...what can I say? Another great, unique product from the distillery of greatness. Give me a call if you ever run into a bad whisky from Ardbeg.

This limited edition Ardbeg was released in the Fèis Ìle festival 2013. It's a combo from bourbon and Manzanilla sherry casks. A vatting of 10 year old spirit. In celebration of Ardbog day.

And truly a 'Groundhog Day' experienced yet again with Ardbeg. Although their whiskies seem to stand out as unique and rich products. But it's a groundhog day because the experience is good every time I open a Ardbeg bottle.

Nose: Hints of herbal notes and honeyed maple syrup with intensive smoke rising from the back. Mildly peaty and salty.

Taste: A bit sweet, yet bitter. Complex flavors with nuts and sweet peat and wine. Earthly.

Finish: Peppery and dry. Wine clashing with sour citrus fruits. Good length like always with Ardbeg.

Balance: Good whisky indeed, not in the top 5 of Ardbegs I've tasted but yet another addition to a good 'track record' of Ardbeg distillery. Rich and steady.

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