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Ardbeg Corryvreckan

Salted Vanilla Ice-cream

0 4100

@benellefsenReview by @benellefsen

16th Oct 2009


Ardbeg Corryvreckan
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Nose - Butter, creamy, Vanilla-rich, almost pine-resin freshness.

Palate - Creamy. So incredibly creamy! Spice, Nutmeg, and a huge and overwhelming hit of Vanilla Ice-cream (it's slightly dirty Ice-cream though. Something you might get in a cheap choc-ice). Moves into Orange-peel and clementine.

Finish - Salty, smoked meats make a big appearance. The peat is surprisingly fleeting amongst the other flavours.

Astonishing. Simply astonishing. I'd wanted to have a rant about the price-point for a NAS whisky, but simply can't bring myself to. Worth every penny.

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jeanluc commented

Nicely reviewed. I'm dying to try this...

15 years ago 0

jdcook commented

Unlike the Supernova, about which people seem to have widely divergent opinions, I've read nothing bad about the Corryvreckan. It's high on my wish-list.

Of course, when professionals produce reviews like this it doesn't make it any easier to stick to my whisky budget... :p.

15 years ago 0

jmende1 commented

I've been hunting this whisky for months. I live in NYC, and in early 2010, it was shipped to several places (I found the press release of its US release), and ventured to call every single place it was shipped to....to no avail. My wife got it for me for Christmas and I'm revelling in it. Excellent review. Mine should appear soon.

14 years ago 0

GregLogan commented

Ben - I have noticed that you tend to review really high - I am wondering if I should add a sliding scale? I am wondering if we need some kind of greater objectivity. I am a newbie and I am realizing that I have been high as well - and I am going to start being a little tougher. The Corryvreckan is interesting though - beats the pants off of the Bowmore Darkest as far as I can tell...

12 years ago 0