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Auchentoshan 10 Year Old

Easy Drink

0 576

@UisgeJonReview by @UisgeJon

20th Jan 2013


Auchentoshan 10 Year Old
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Not having high expectations when ordering this dram, I thought I would give it a try anyways. Would I drink it again? Sure. Would I pay for it? Probably not.

Nose: Had to hunt a little for it, because it's pretty subdued. But what's there is warm and pleasant. Maple, brown sugar, light florals, nutty... nothing wrong here, just wish there was more of it.

Palate: Soft, sweet, honey, maple, more brown sugar, florals. Nothing to write home about on this one. It's not a very exciting palate. Not much personality.

Finish: Just like the rest of this dram - decent, wish there was more of it. Clean, hazelnut, maple, a little citrus... nothing too exciting. Nothing that will make me say "wow."

This dram has some good flavor profiles going, they just aren't quite orchestrated or playing to their full potential. If I had the chance to try an older version of this spirit, or maybe a cask strength, then that would be something. But unless someone buys a dram of this for me, I'll spend my money on something else.


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UisgeJon commented

MY APOLOGIES. This was meant for the Auchentoshan Three Wood, not 10 year.... Sorry!

12 years ago 0

Rigmorole commented

How does the 10 compare with the 12 and the Three Wood?

12 years ago 0

Rigmorole commented

Oh, I just saw your comment. So it was the three wood you tried. Interesting.

12 years ago 0

Rigmorole commented

I just bought the three wood last week. It seems interesting. I may write my own review in a while when I open that bottle. Thanks for yours. This whisky is still interesting. Whisky Gals on Youtube was the last stray that convinced me to try this one.

12 years ago 0

markjedi1 commented

@rigmorole, would love to see your take on the Three Wood. Go for it. Open up that bottle.

12 years ago 0