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Auchentoshan 12 Year Old

Great nose but lacks something

0 177

@BenjibenbenReview by @Benjibenben

3rd Sep 2011


Auchentoshan 12 Year Old
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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When poured the color is light caramel learning towards amber. The nose was hard at first to put a finger on but after a short while, cigar could be smelled, but not only cigar it was a feeling of being wrapped in a blanket near a warm fire somewhere in the woods. The nose lingered for the remainder of the dram, exposing whiffs of caramel along the way. The taste was an average one with something there just not yelling as loud as its nose. It was satisfying and a relaxing drink to have after work or a small meal.

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mattberg commented

I gave this away after less than a quarter of a bottle... maybe good as a mixer but otherwise underwhelming to say the least.... don't understand how Ralfy would even bother to taste this and mark it

13 years ago 0