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Bulleit 95 Rye

New personal favorite

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@GT2Review by @GT2

6th Jul 2011


Bulleit 95 Rye
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Served neat. Pours a clear orange amber. A thin ring sticks around the rim of the glass and give it some time, and massive legs drip down with ferocity. Something tells me this is going to be good. Nose on this is pretty much superlative: burnt oak and char, wild amounts of vanilla and honey, smoke, citrus, powerful florals, banana bread, Amarillo, coconut. Taste is where this really shines though: earthy, sharp alcohol with practically no "heat", spicy oak, banana bread, walnut, bitter citrus, soft wood, fatty meat. Incredibly soft and easy to enjoy. Very well balanced in the finish: soft, restrained. Amazing.

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JoeVelo commented

I fell in love with the Bulleit Bourbon a couple of days ago. So good, fresh and fruity. I add the 95 Rye to my wishlist after seeing an ad in WM. Now, you convinced me.

13 years ago 0

bbb63 commented

Hum... nice review and makes me want to add this to my wishlist.

13 years ago 0

Nolinske commented

Great review! I'm going to have to find some of this soon. :)

11 years ago 0

Barlee commented

Nice review. I like the Bulleit Rye a little better than the bourbon, and it's good too.

11 years ago 0

PeatyZealot commented

Yeah, this got me mouthwatering...

11 years ago 0