Nolinske started a discussion
11 years ago
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11 years ago
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Since you spelled whiskey with the "e" and added "/bourbon" I'm not sure this will interest you but,
... is a nice enough place for a Scotch whisky tour.
11 years ago 1Who liked this?
@two-bit-cowboy sorry I meant to spell it without the "e" but I'm on my phone so I failed. I am a huge fan of scotch and also bourbon so any suggestion is welcome :)
11 years ago 0
Ah ha. Pint's Pub should be a fun stop for you then. Another might be the Churchhill Bar in the Brown Palace Hotel ("the Brown" as the locals call it). If you enjoy cigars, the Churchhill would be a must visit.
11 years ago 1Who liked this?
Wow, $15 for a dram for Octomore 2.2 at the place that two-bit cowboy suggested. That's nearly at cost (or less?).
11 years ago 1Who liked this?
@Jonathan Oh, I had forgotten about their pour sizes till you pointed out the price. Cask strength pours are five-eighths of an ounce.
11 years ago 0
Falling Rock Tavern is a must for craft beers. It's like Denver's version of Toronado. They have a vintage bottle list, too. It's also walking distance to Great Divide Brewing. Cheers!
11 years ago 0
I will be going to Denver June 21-25, 2013. I was wondering if there are any great whiskey bars that you would recommend for whiskey fun? Additionally any great craft beer bars would be helpful as my wife and I are both big on craft beer. I am really looking forward to going to stranahans while in Denver for one whiskey adventure.