DYC Pure Malt
DYC Pure Malt
1 086
Review by @huineman
- Brand: DYC
- ABV: 40%
So this looks like a first time: it comes from Destilados Y Crianzas (DYC), a Spanish distillery now owned by Suntory (globalization and such, you know) which used to produce s**t but all of a sudden come out with this hidden jewel: just 13€ (about $16, but wait for stock markets to make that shift in no time) and real gold. Okay, let's make it to the tasting:
It pours clean pale golden. Aroma is quite high and begins sweet: vanilla, cinnamon, crème brûlée; then pepper, dry lemon, conifers. Nice. Mouthfeel is silky, not aggressive at all; full-bodied but under control. Bitterish and smoky finish; long-lasting and making you go for the next pour. Nice indeed, close to best value ever.