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Eagle Rare 10 Year Old Single Barrel

An excellent every-occasion bourbon

0 284

@valuewhiskyReview by @valuewhisky

13th May 2012


Eagle Rare 10 Year Old Single Barrel
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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This is an every-occasion bourbon both because of the price and the style of whiskey. It has a good, affordable price, and it is well balanced between sweet and oaky and spicy. Some might call it too oaky, but I like oak, and the rich brown-sugar sweetness is big enough to carry the oak. The main fault of Eagle Rare is that it lacks any sort of complexity. That makes it simple enough to drink-and-forget, but it's still delicious enough to pour a glass on a special occasion.

The nose is a decent but average bourbon nose. Smells delicious, as most bourbons do, but doesn't offer anything new or exciting. The body is medium (on the lighter side of medium, probably), but has good presence and appropriate "burn" level despite the not-too-high ABV level.

This is an older sibling of Buffalo Trace bourbon. Eagle Rare has more sweetness and more oak than Buffalo Trace, while still being less astringent than Buffalo Trace despite the higher oak. In short, all-around better than Buffalo Trace. Around here, Eagle Rare is less than $5 more than Buffalo Trace, making it an easy choice to purchase Eagle Rare. If, however, Eagle Rare is about $10 more than Buffalo Trace, I'd consider saving my money and buying the similar but cheaper Buffalo Trace.

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tjb commented

A good review. I have recently sampled a bottle and agree with you. It's nearly twice the price of the Buffalo Trace here so whilst it is nice I would buy the Buffalo Trace. You scored this the same as the Wild Turkey Rare Breed, if you had to choose which bottle would you have?

11 years ago 0

Fiver67 commented

Your reviews are in alignment with my tastings. You and Victor in my opinions give the best reviews! I appreciate it! I am waiting anxiously for you review of E.H. Taylor Small Batch as I found it to be a fantastic bourbon for $40.

11 years ago 0