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Glen Moray Carn Mor 17 Strictly Limited

Delicate Purebred

0 389

@SimeonSanchezReview by @SimeonSanchez

30th Dec 2014


Glen Moray Carn Mor 17 Strictly Limited
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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A good friend of mine got me this bottle for my birthday last year, and before I had tasted the contents, it already ticked a lot of boxes for me: bottled from a single cask, respectable ABV & age statement, natural color, and a simple label. This was a bottle that looked like it was made in SCOTLAND, if you know what I mean, and it screamed "I AM A CRAFT WHISKY." We opened the bottle this week to try the contents.

The nose reminds me of Glenmorangie 10, except there's some extra power and spiciness that goes beyond Glenmorangie. The notes are peach, pear, ginger, and cinnamon. Google tells me the Glen Moray distillery is in the Speyside region - hardly a surprise at this point.

On the tongue, there is honey sweetness that quickly intensifies. Like the nose, there is lots of white fruit: peach and pear, with a subtle mineral quality that really makes it feel fresh. The substantial texture is good on the tongue, as well as the potent, long-lasting flavor with its shades of ginger and cinnamon.

Strangely, the finish is swift and leaves little behind except a tingle.

It would be fascinating to taste this bottle next to Glenmorangie 10, to help reveal the maturity and complexity of the older bottle.

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Robert99 commented

@SimeonSanchez very nice review, very intriguing scotch. I am used to a mineral quality with Islay but in the Speyside, it is not something I am expecting. Now it is an other whisky to sample one day. Cheers!

10 years ago 0

SimeonSanchez commented

@Robert99 Thanks. To tell you the truth, I'm not exactly sure what other people mean when they say "mineral," but for me it's the sort of fresh flavor you get from spring water (not bottled water, real spring water). And I need to correct myself: this bottling is from two casks, not one.

10 years ago 0

Robert99 commented

@SimeonSanchez It is funny.... For me Spring Water is a very pur water without almost any mineral. But your on the right track anyway because the mineral is coming from water. Thing about all the mineral waters on the market, you will see that there is a lot of different flavors among minerals. Every time I am refering to pebbles or to flinstone or to salt, as a matter of fact, I am refering to minerals. The one I prefer is the flinstone note. You have it in all good Ardbeg as well as in some white wine like a nice Chablis. There is also the bad mineral notes like iron and chalk.

So could you describe the fresh flavors of spring water in mineral terms or is it some sort of mint that gives you some coolness? Or a mix of both?

10 years ago 0