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Glencadam 25 Year Old 1985 Malts of Scotland


0 085

@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

3rd Feb 2013


Glencadam 25 Year Old 1985 Malts of Scotland
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Interwhisky is a festival in Frankfurt, Germany. For their 2010 show they looked to Malts of Scotland for their festival bottling: this 25 Year Old Glencadam from 1985. A couple of bottles found their way to Belgium and costs around 110 EUR a piece, which I find quite reasonable for a 25 year old malt.

The nose is prickly sweet and very creamy. Loads of citrus, mostly lime. A lot of vanilla and ginger. Also some marzipan and furniture polish. Maybe even some banana. Wood shavings, too. Very pleasant.

The attack is feisty and honeysweet. Lots of ginger and woodspice. The oak becomes louder all the time. Walnuts, marzipan, lots of tannins. This overpowers the fruit somewhat.

The long finish keeps a nice balance between the wood and the fruit. Bittersweet end.

Just a tad too much oak for me. The finish is absolutely wonderful, though. Thanks, Jeroen.

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