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How much Whisky in your glass?

0 16

Abunadhman started a discussion

On an average 'stay at home' night, how big are your drams and dare I ask how many? Not counting the nights you host the Club, have visitors or dinner guests, just an average at home night with the feet up!

For me one generous Malt (measured 1/2 gill or 2 1/2 fl. oz.): Most times this is sufficient; very occasionally, I may go back for a half measure if the whisky is particularly good or is trying to tell me something. More often than not, this second serving is finished after Dinner.

13 years ago

16 replies

markjedi1 replied

When writing tasting notes, 2 to 3cl and maximum 5 drams on a night. But when relaxing, watching TV, usually one dram of 5cl that keeps me company during the whole night. When playing a board or cardgame (which happens quite often, I'm happy to say), that usually becomes two or three drams...

13 years ago 0

StevieC replied

When my taste buds are right, paired with a nice relaxed atmosphere, on a Friday or Saturday evening, I usually pour a 2 ounce dram to warm up, and then pour another 2 ouncer, and then finish off with one more 2 ounce dram or 1 ounce dram (total 5-6 ounces)......all depending on my mood! If I am smoking a good cigar, then I will keep enjoying the whisky until my cigar is finished.

13 years ago 0

Mantisking replied

I'd say between 1 or 2 ounces depending on the day of the week and what I'm drinking.

13 years ago 0

OCeallaigh replied

I don't put that much in my glass really. Just the normal amount for a normal drinking experience... but I will usually have about three drams a day/night.

13 years ago 0

Donough replied

It is hard to say but I use a millstone glencarin glass. My measure is usually one third of the way up between the bottom and the millstone band. I guess around 30 ml or 3 cl. Damn where is my pipette.

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

Wodha replied

4-6 oz per night for me.

13 years ago 0

Mahlzahn replied

As others said: it depends...

Usually 2-4cl per dram and 2-3 drams per night/day. But not everyday. Maybe like 3 or 4 days a week on average.

13 years ago 0

chuck51 replied

I fall into the 2-3 cl group. I usually have 2 drams a night, probably 5 to 6 times a week. Funny, you write it out like that and it makes me wonder if I should get into a 12 step program!

13 years ago 0

Donough replied

@chuck51 I think 12 drams a night would be too much :)

13 years ago 0

JoeVelo replied

It seems weird but just the right amount is ok. For something up to 46%, the middle of the ball in the glencairn glass. If it is a cask strength or something over 50%, just a little less to have room for water.

13 years ago 0

systemdown replied

I'm also in the 2-3 cl group. That just seems about the right amount for nosing / tasting in a Glencairn glass. I got a little more than 2 solid tastings out of a 5cl sample bottle recently.

13 years ago 0

AJ replied

I quite consistantly pour 2 ounces each time. I like to get the whole experience to happen and find any less to not be fulfilling. Never less, usually more, if I am in the mood for that taste during that sitting...

12 years ago 0


I am not that specific. I usually pour about a porton that equals to the thickness of my index finger. I don't measure that though. Is anyone pouring it as at heart's delight?

11 years ago 0

YakLord replied

One dram (25ml), two to three nights per week, not counting when we have guests over for board games, etc. I use a thimble measure that I got from the Highland Park online shop to keep things consistent, and 25ml drams means I can get 25 to 30 drams out of a bottle, depending on the size (66cl through 75cl).

11 years ago 0

bennibarrel replied

between 2 to 4 cl. only one dram. I love the aftertaste and really enjoy this mouth feeling so I only need one dram to really enjoy.

11 years ago 0


@A'bunadhman One dram 2 to 3 cl once or twice a week, and a second dram only if I'm comparing.

11 years ago 0