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How often do you buy a bottle?

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lucadanna1985 started a discussion

After reading the post "how much do you drink" I think this is another good question...it will be consoling for us maniacs knowing there are others who spends their fortunes in bottles :) P.S. I mean a full bottle, not a sample!

14 years ago

29 replies

MFish85 replied

Lately I've been buying one a week on average. I don't really have a reason as to why, that's just how it's worked out for me.

14 years ago 0

dbk replied

I'm a compulsive buyer: I research new releases here in Ontario as well as in my home province of Québec, search for new leads when I see positive reviews here on Connosr and elsewhere, and buy several bottles any time I travel (Alberta and New York State, where I visit fairly frequently, both have lots to offer). Frankly, it's ridiculous. My entire cabinet is only one year old; there are 50 unique bottles and a few backups in there, and of course I've finished a few over the year, so that's about one bottle (and change) per week.

14 years ago 0

Alanjp replied

I tend to buy one or two bottles when i get paid every four weeks, so i tend to keep a fairly small collection as i tend to get through a bottle or two a month anyway. The only times i get extra bottles so to speak is when i visit a whisky show such as Whisky Live, and i generally walk away with 4 or 5 bottles that i've tried throughout that day. And i tend to buy bottles that i will drink, i'm more of a drinker than a collector.

14 years ago 0


I like to pick up a new bottle about once a month, but I rarely buy the same scotch twice. With so many different kinds at different prices, the journey for scotch nirvana will be a long and joyful journey... in fact, I hope I never find the perfect scotch.... that way I'll never stop searching & tasting .

14 years ago 1Who liked this?

joshk replied

My liqueur cabinet is currently overflowing, with bottles on top and on the floor next to it. I'm on a strict finish 10 to buy 5 limit (whisky or otherwise) until I can get all the bottles in the cabinet.

14 years ago 0

joshk replied

@joshk Without my self imposed limit I'd by 2-3 a month.

14 years ago 0

WeeTim replied

I'm building a collection at a rate of one bottle a month. With Christmas round the corner it might become two a month!

14 years ago 0

drinix replied

Usually one per month max two. But it's not such a precise thing. I'd really love to buy a whisky every week or every two weeks in order to add regularly new flavors to my collection. However I control myself so that my collection does not grow out of control!

14 years ago 0

nycadman replied

1x / week lately. have been on a serious binge to find the perfect bottle. just picked up a 1.75L of macallan 12 for $99US. great presentation and a wonderful gift for someone special if i'm so inclined.

currently drinking glenmorangie nectar d'or & quinta rossa. both great.

14 years ago 0

nikkaman replied

Probably about 3 bottles a month. I try and buy something different each time but always make sure that I have a bottle of Nikka All Malt and Teachers at hand.

14 years ago 0


It varies from month to month. During the hot weather, I rarely buy any bottles of whisky. But, once the autumn cool arrives, I could easily buy 5 or more bottles per month did I not have a modicum of self-restraint.

Right now, though, I won't let myself buy any more until I finish some of the nearly empty bottles I already have. There's at least a half dozen of them cluttering up the cupboard.

14 years ago 0


I buy them as I come across ones I like. I've got loads in my cabinet at the mo' so I shouldn't really buy any more just now but coming across a superb Springbank and an equally good Linkwood at an SMWS tasting last week blew that one away. already opened the Springbank. :o)

14 years ago 0

markjedi1 replied

I'm afraid I'm a bit of a compulsive collector, buying around 5 bottles a month (sometimes even more). I just returned from Scotland with a bag full of bottles. My collection grew from approx 10 bottles a year ago to about 75 at the moment. Dearly Beloved has grown weary of my collecting (not so much tasting) and spending habit. I may need to slow down soon...

14 years ago 0

kywildcatfan replied

I generally buy about a bottle of bourbon or scotch per week. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

I generally try to buy as much as I can before I get that look from my wife.

14 years ago 0

mohler replied

@kywildcatfan I hear you, on the wife front, I'd like to buy more, just to have more variety but I tend to replace bottles when I finish them.

I hate to finish them too!

14 years ago 0

kywildcatfan replied

@mohler I have to do the same. I worry about getting caught buying $50+ whisky and at the same time bitching about her shoes!

14 years ago 0

dougwatts replied

Last year I bought about 30 bottles myself and was given a further 5 or so as gifts. The year before, when I started getting into whisky, it was a little over 20 for the year. When I saw this topic I was going to say I tend to buy about a bottle a month but looking back over my records (I like to keep track of it) clearly it;s much more than that! I think I try to block out the actual number so I don't feel the guilt of spending so much on this hobby...

14 years ago 0

Wodha replied

One per week on average. Whoa, I guess I'm consuming one per week, Yikes!

13 years ago 0

WhiskyNotes replied

As I'm now concentrating on € 150+ bottles only, I've slowed down from 5 to 2 per month. I'm happier with that than buying 5 mediocre bottles with the same money. Apart from this, I'm spending a lot on samples as well but I prefer to taste first and buy afterwards.

13 years ago 0

malthound replied

I DRINK about 1-2 bottles a month. I usually BUY 2-3 bottles. I try to keep a good drink/buy ratio.

13 years ago 0

AJ replied

I purchase about 1 a week , unless a scotch drinking buddy comes out for the weekend . I live out of town in a cottage area so when people show up it's usually an over nighters or for a weekend . That is usually when all hell breaks loose...lol. Those are 2 to 3 bottle weekends . Sipping scotch , listening to music and walking in the wilderness. it's usually well planned to mix up the varieties , there is more than one type of fine dram and we intend to sample a wide cross section , all bottles are reviewed , usually on this site , by the way , you guys are pretty spot on reguards to your assessments . But I can comfortably say I purchase 40 -50 bottles a year . very few to save and store , like Bowmore Tempest bought 3 bottles and am working on the first , with plans to stash the other 2 for future special occasions . I consume a bottle a week , on average . It helps to have disposable income . You can't take it with you so may as well enjoy the fine things in life. my regular drinker is bowmore 12 , rate it 8 , great everyday drinker at $46 a bottle . kinda like Islay

13 years ago 0

HP12 replied

Only recently did I discover SMSW, so I'm rationalizing that I need to zero in on what I like, and that requires a journey thru the flavour profiles. My current purchase rate is 1 bottle/wk with my initial goal of fulfilling my list of bottles from 10 distilleries. This will give me at least 2 bottles from each quadrant of the flavour map.

Once I secure my first 10-12 bottles (or so), I expect I'll level off to buying 1-2 bottles per month. At a current consumption rate of roughly 1-2 drams per night, a 1-2 bottle per month buying rate should provide a good balance of inventory once I build the foundation.

Ultimately, I'd like to have approx. 24 various expressions on hand which should satisfy any drinking mood, no matter how schizophrenic the mood or how diverse the gathering of fellow lovers of SMSW might be.

13 years ago 0

Wodha replied

Good luck!

13 years ago 0

RobertH replied

I've been on a kick lately, I think this last several weeks it's been 3 bottles a week. I have been traveling to SF and they have such a nice selection. One never knows when they might run out of the good stuff. :)

13 years ago 0


@RobertH Wow---3 bottles per week? The whisky industry owes you a big "Thank you!"

I bought a bottle of Bruichladdich Rocks a month ago. It's gone; I'm pondering what to get next.

13 years ago 0

RobertH replied

@alcoholreviews They look so lonely on the shelf. :)

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

Zigman replied

@RobertH Do you ever visit the Whisky Shop on Sutter Street in SF? Great store...

13 years ago 0

RobertH replied

@Zigman Was just there. Found a couple bottles of 25 yr old Caol Ila needing a home. Lovely people. Acquired a bottle of their own label as well.

13 years ago 0

Zigman replied

Very cool people, most helpful and very non-stuffy. I picked up a bottle of Amrut Cask Strength and Chieftains Linkwood 16. Didn't know they had their own label. Let me know how you like it.

13 years ago 0