Jim Beam Black Label
Honest bourbon
0 082
FReview by @Frank1
- Nose~
- Taste~
- Finish~
- Balance~
- Overall82
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DISCLAIMER: This review is for the triple aged 6 year old Jim Beam Black for export and not the 8 year old domestic version. Having had both, there's a noticeable difference.
This review is based on the third dram out of a week old bottle.
Nose: this is a layered and interesting nose. Black licorice, cherries, vanilla, bubblegum. Quite a sweet, inviting nose. Some underlying spices come after a few minutes.
Palate: the bourbon's arrival is gentle, to say the least. Thin in the mouth. The palate is more of the nose. Wood, vanilla, licorice and cherries. There's more spices and a dryness that keeps the bourbon from being cloying. I've read reviews where this bourbon is said to be rough or young, but I really don't get that.
Finish: very short with old, spicy cherries.
An honest whisky. The nose delivers more than both the palate and finish. This is the main difference with the domestic 8 year old Black. It's less balanced, less complex and the finish suffers. With that said, it's still a very honest bourbon for its price and availability. Head and shoulders above Jim Beam White.
Recommended, especially if can get the 8 year old domestic version.
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