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Johnnie Walker Red Label

Mix it, don't sip it

0 164

@DellnolaReview by @Dellnola

20th Sep 2011


Johnnie Walker Red Label
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Nose: Immediate, cloying malty sort-of sweetness, aluminum cans, maybe some sweat.

Taste: The taste is almost exactly like the nose, except the malty sweetness is not cloying at all and there's maybe a little less metal involved. Quite watery.

Finish: Nope.

Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating when I say "Nose: Nope." but there's really barely anything there except an indistinct "whisky" flavor.

So why did I review this forgettable whisky that many of us don't even bother with? Because I'm sure that many, many people visit this site looking for a review of it and I noticed there are only two. Although I'm giving it a low score, I'm hesitant to bash it. Maybe it's because I know it's not trying to be anything it's not, or maybe it's because Johnnie Walker has managed to become a super-successful whisky and many people's first (and sometimes only) exposure to Scotch whisky is this.

Anyway, I know that a lot of people find this whisky harsh, but I don't. I just find it incredibly indistinctive and boring, which perhaps makes it the perfect mixer. Although I don't think this is a sipping whisky, I think it has a place in the whisky world.

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Dellnola commented

Whoops, I meant "Finish: Nope". Anything in the works for the ability to edit not just the score but the entire review Connosr?

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