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JW Blue Label ABV differences?

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Dellnola started a discussion

So i just received a bottle of JW Blue Label as a gift that was purchased abroad. I took a look at it and it said on the box and the bottle 43% ABV. I've definitely seen bottles of Blue Label at 40%, and the only dram of Blue Label that I have had before today came out of a bottle at 40%. Travel retail exclusive? I don't know, the concept of bottling at a higher percentage with no other special distinction just for travel retail seems a bit odd to me. Anyone know the scoop?

Anyway, I'm pleased that I've enjoyed the first dram of this bottle much better than my previous tasting, which I found to be bland. Could it be that the higher strength has saved this otherwise forgettable whisky or does my palate deceive me because I have seen the difference? Whatever, most enjoyable especially given that it was a gift! Review to come soon.

Has anyone ever encountered or sampled both the 40% and the 43%?

14 years ago

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