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Longrow CV

An Ecosystem of Elegance

0 690

@OJKReview by @OJK

7th Sep 2010


Longrow CV
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Nose, Taste, Finish and Balance are graded out of 2.5 each:

Nose: Despite being the heavily peated sister of the much loved Springbank, Longrow nonetheless shares a similarly deft and refined touch on the nose. A soft wave of light peat and brine, infused with warm rhubarb and vanilla-poached peaches, seduces you into total infatuation before laying you down on a bed of drenched citrus-scented grass. 2.0

Taste: A silky sheet of light-bodied oil coats the palate, releasing a soft cloud of spice and brine, that gradually descends before precipitating a vanilla and ginger flavoured cream, nourishing the underlying bed of dry smoke and lemon sorbet. Quite a hypnotic little ecosystem. 2.5

Finish: Rhubarb and ginger mingle together in a thick fog of peaty spice, until finally they are completely enveloped in an oaky smoke and no longer visible. 2.0

Balance: Given that this whisky is made from heavily peated malt, thus diversifying it from the delicate Springbank, one immediately assumes a dram of robust character, that brashly wears its heart on its sleeve. None of it. This is a whisky of rare elegance, that despite a slight letting loose of the reigns on the finish, manages to restrain its power and harness it to propel a sleek vehicule of great complexity. 2.5

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dbk commented

Added to my wishlist!

14 years ago 0

markjedi1 commented

@OJK, what a wonderful review (you do have a way with words). This sounds enticing. I have a sample waiting to be discoverd. Your review only serves to put the Longrow to the head of the tasting line. Thank you!

14 years ago 0

OJK commented

@markjedi1: thank you very much for your kind comment! i see from your review you're also a big fan of the springbank 10, so will be interested to see what you make of the longrow! personally i'd say it's a notch or two higher in terms of complexity and overall quality.

@dbk: i'd definitely recommed it - from reading your Peat Monster review it seems the longrow operates in similar territory, so I think it's one you'd enjoy. Conversely I'm now very much looking forward to trying the Peat Monster!

14 years ago 0

AboutChoice commented

Hi @OJK, well I'm going out to pick up some rhubarb (poached, I assume), and then sit down with my Longrow and compare :-) And those vanilla poached peaches sound wonderful, even w/o the whisky ! I certaintly agree with @markjedi1 ... you have a way with words, and I also might add ... your vast collection of essences!

Another captivating and enjoyable review ... love the title ... and you just never know when new flavo(u)rs will appear in whisky ! :-)

14 years ago 0

OJK commented

Thank you very much @AboutChoice! I saw from your recent review that the bottle certainly didn't disappoint! A fantastic review as well, it seems we both enjoyed it equally however from different viewpoints, perhaps yours was more an Ecosystem of Gregariousness! As you say, that's the great thing about the site, that we can all share our varying thoughts on the same dram. And indeed the search for new flavours is the never-ending adventure of whisky, sadly have had less time in recent weeks due to work, however am looking forward to picking up the journey again very soon!

14 years ago 0

Antallodos commented

Dear OJK, my compliments for this outstanding and eloquent review!

Being a whisky fan with - at best - developing nosing and tasting skills, it really is reviews like this that help me out in determining what these familiar aromas and flavors I just can't put my finger on actually are. Having read your review, I can delve deeper into what this whisky has to offer and add "citrus", "creamy vanilla" and "ginger" to my list of notes that contained the more obvious statements such as "peat", "brine" and "spice".

Looking forward to comparing my personal experiences with more outstanding reviews!

12 years ago 0