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Other Social Media?

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Mantisking started a discussion

So are any of the members here on Facebook or Google+? Does anyone else use those two social media to discuss whisk(e)y?

13 years ago

7 replies

JeffC replied

I am on Facebook and "like'" a number of distilleries (Laphroaig, Famous Grouse, Buffalo Trace, Makers Mark, Johnnie Walker, etc.), I'm sure there are more but those come to mind instantly when writing this. Therefore, I get updates from them in my news feed. The updates can be interesting. I would say that I like Buffalo Trace the most (nice photos, good product info) and Johnnie Walker least (usually photos of Johnnie Walker girls at various tastings and other vapid content). I have noticed that whoever reads the distillery cites are good about answering product questions. I once had a question about the availability of a Famous Grouse and Johnnie Walker products. The queries were answered quickly by the respective cites. However, I have never had a good chat or discussion (like on Connosr or in the comment section of certain blogs, e.g., Sourmash Manifesto, Jasons Scotch Reviews, etc.), rather Facebook tends to have more marketing related info. It could be that I am just on the wrong Facebook cites, but I doubt it.

12 years ago 0

izzlemoxle replied

I am on both Facebook and G+, and I find myself more able to have intelligent discussion on G+ (that's in general too, not just regarding whiskey). As JeffC says, Facebook seems more geared toward marketing and less toward discussion among people who like the product. Which is understandable in a way - Facebook is a whole different world than G+.

12 years ago 0

cowfish replied

I think you're both looking in the wrong places on Facebook :)

I generally avoid the brand pages (other than to keep an eye on things in a 'professional' manner) but the Malt Maniacs group gets a pile of traffic (including a few faces I see around here):


We've also got a TWE page and group, the latter of which should some time be rolled into the page, but we've not got around to it yet as people seem to like talking there...

www.facebook.com/thewhiskyexchange www.facebook.com/groups/91964414706/

I also just have a bunch of whisky related friends on FB (and on Twitter), which leads to discussion whenever anyone posts whisky related stuff. As ever with social networks: follow people you are interested in and then keep an eye out for discussion.

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

izzlemoxle replied

@cowfish Thanks for the info. I don't spend much time on fb anymore because I like g+ better in general, but I will be putting in a request to join that group. It can be frustrating to find groups pertaining to your interests that aren't filled with a bunch of fluff no matter what social media you choose to go with!

12 years ago 0

JeffC replied

@cowfish, good call on those two groups. I realized that I had been a member of the Malt Maniacs group all along but for some reason my settings were such that I was not getting regular updates; FB changes their setting options more times than a model changes their clothes so who knows what that happened.

12 years ago 0

SquidgyAsh replied

I'm on Facebook and twitter myself and have liked most of the distilleries in order to get update information on upcoming and releases.

12 years ago 0

Pudge72 replied

Great topic @Mantisking! Connosr and the WWW forum (hi, Cowfish and others!) are it for me. I'm a bit of a luddite when it comes to social media and technology in general (Twitter...grrrrr). :

My wife does the Facebook thing so I get my fair share of cute baby/pet photos by looking over her shoulder. Connosr is my 'Facebook for Whisky Lovers', as I describe it to people who I try to 'recruit' for the site when having whisky discussions. My cell phone only exists because of work.

12 years ago 0

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