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Tyrconnell Single Malt

Worst Irish Whiskey

0 115

fReview by @flavjohk

28th Jan 2014


Tyrconnell Single Malt
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
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I waited with anticipation for this special order, with the expectation that for $48.00 it would be a rare treat. My bottle of Tyconnell was not a taste sensation, it was more like an Irish bomb. It smelled peculiar. At least every other Irish Whiskey I have tried had some kinship from Bushmills to Tullamore Dew, but not this demon brew. The smell was akin to an industrial solvent. It has an astringent quality of odor and taste. Its medicinal character is one that warns the user that this liquid should not to be taken internally. The taste is God awful. There is Poteen that has more character and aging. The only drams I have purchased that tasted as bad are Midnight Moon and Buffalo Traces' White Dog. If at a bash everyone is already "half in the bag" then it is time to bring out the Tyconnell and tell them what wonderful spirit it is in the hopes no one will notice. A friend suggested it be used for Irish coffee so long as the coffee was an espresso. Should anyone consider giving up drink, this is the whiskey to make it stick.

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talexander commented

Wow - that is the most scathing review I think I've ever read! Is this the standard Tyrconnell? The only one I had was the Port Finish (if memory serves) and I was not crazy about it. I've heard great things about other expressions though.

11 years ago 0