VAT 69 Blended Scotch Whisky
A fresh Mediterranean sea breeze
0 279
Review by @ClanVidela

- Nose21
- Taste20
- Finish19
- Balance19
- Overall79
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I picked up this whisky in Spain for about 5 pounds! I´d already read about it and I also watched Ralfy´s review on it on his channel. The bottle is very dark green which makes it very hard to see it's color. The main reason for this is basically less colorant. I know you shouldn't pay any attention to the color of the dram but I still believe you eat and drink with your eyes as well. This whisky has a perfectly normal color but many people including Ralfy believe a green bottle equals higher quality.
The nose is quite stunning actually with a lot of action going on. You immediately smell that this is a high percentage malt whisky ratio blend. Malty with sweet liquorice and a definite sour and salty citrus essence. Soon to follow is the familiar scent of burnt sugar and acacia honey. Toffee and cocoa is subtle in the background.
So why wait? Let's have us a wee dram of it!
The arrival is somewhat rough and spicy without added water, peppers, some salt & sour citrus flavours with some subtle malt sweetness to round it of. With added water this whisky get's a lot more balanced with some extra flavour tones of barley sugar and honey.
The finish is like other blends I've tasted so far quite rapid. Straight on with a wall of hot spices and what I believe is a fusion of chili and regular peppers. Malty with some oak dryness towards the end.
I'm actually quite pleased with this whisky! It offers a lot of interaction regarding flavours and you can also (if wanted) change the palette by adding some water. This whisky can actually handle more then a few drops to open up the flavours a bit more.
With out a doubt my best blended whisky so far and for the price it's really a bargain and something you should pick up if it's available where you live.
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nice review, £5 is a stunning bargain. i paid £17 and i'm happy for that price. considering it's the same £ as a teachers or grouse it's a steal.