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Whisk(e)y Bubble

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EvaRees started a discussion

This more of a discussion than a question, so forgive my over-zealously long intro.

There's been a lot of talk lately about upcoming shortages in American aged spirits stock, and general "whiskey bubble" speculation. My favorite retailer runs a fantastic spirits blog and pointed out an interesting problem... In the US, in rational states, bourbon is shockingly affordable. It's getting a lot of attention, a lot more people are out exploring the shelves. There's been a substantial amount of crossover from scotch drinkers, and they've gone straight into 10 yr+ aged expressions that are a tremendous value compared with single malts. There is hardly a large enough, consistently available, smattering of quality-aged expressions, we hardly even have a "category." What's even more alarming is pointing out how the looming corn shortages are affecting producers, and their output.

Two really great reads: recenteats.blogspot.com/2012/07/… spiritsjournal.klwines.com/klwinescom-spiri…

I've noticed that the quality older expressions I look for have become rarer and eventually, impossible to find. (Black Maple Hill, Stagg, even Four Roses Yellow Label is actually GONE from the shelves!). I've also noted a huge uptick in new craft distilleries. It's very exciting, and though I often buy their spirits to support their efforts, I know the game of "only the best will survive" has yet to play out.

I quite enjoy the thrill of the hunt for rare bottles, and excited conversations with a sympathetic ear about the nuances of so & so release... that said, I've had a harder time finding a bottle of Stagg than I had of snagging the Golder Still for $149. & not to mention how my mind reels when I read how a fellow whiskey-phile on the forum is plotting to pick up a bottle of Sazerac Rye, when WA state was CLEARING THEM OUT for $17 (!!) during it's sell-off a few months ago.

MADNESS! Love to hear your thoughts — I don't think my husband or co-workers can take another minute of my enthusiasm on the subject.

12 years ago

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