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Whisky shops in Belgium

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charlie7 started a discussion

As there seem to be so many Belgians here... I was thinking it could be interesting to compile a list of interesting places to buy whisky in Belgium (and surroundings?).

Myself I've bought from: Antwerp: Anverness (good selection), De Poldernaar (not bad), Huis Verloo (bit smaller, but a friendly shopkeeper that always offers a tasting or two). Lochristi: Declercq Zottegem: whiskyhuis Kampenhout: Tasttoe

I know of, but have not bought from: Huis Nortam (Antwerpen) young-charly.com (Merksem) whisky-on-line.be (Muizen) whiskyandspiritsonline.com (Mechelen) thebondingdram.be (Gent) whiskycorner.be (Houthalen) drankenshop.be (Heusden-zolder)

Please add to the list :) I'm particularly surprised I didn't find any in the Brussels area yet...

15 years ago

13 replies

markjedi1 replied

I purchase quite a bit online from the UK (prices are, let's be honest, somewhat better for us, even with shipping included, especially for the more difficult to find bottles). Other than that, I limit myself to The Bonding Dram, Jurgen's Whiskyhuis and Anverness who all offer a premium selection and service.

15 years ago 0

WhiskyNotes replied

I've bought from TastToe, De Clercq, Huis Verloo, Pin'art, Whiskycorner, Broekmans...

One name to add to the list is Huis Crombé (www.crombewines.com)

15 years ago 0

DevD replied

@WhiskyNotes, Any shops in Brussels to buy Japanese whisky from as my brother might be making a trip soon so I would like to ask him to pick few bottles for me.

13 years ago 0

Fons replied

My regular shop is Anverness in Antwerp. I found out about this one thanks to @markjedi1 and it has cost me a lot of money since. A great selection at a good price and an even better service. It won last year's whisky shop of the year award at the International Whisky Festival in Gent for a reason. I sometimes visit Huis Verloo too, which does have a smaller selection, but good service and it's nearby to my job, which is often tempting. :D Hadn't heard of Huis Nortam, but I'll visit it in the near future to see what they have to offer. Haven't been to Young Charly either, but I remember their prices being quite steep from visiting their site once. Alas, I rarely venture outside of Antwerp for whiskyshopping, since I don't have a car. For which my savings account is grateful.

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

Imprimatur replied

I'v bought from Anverness (Berchem-Antwerpen), Tasttoe (Kampenhout), Whiskycorner (Houthalen), drankenshop Broekmans (Heusden-Zolder) and online from Scotland and the UK.

You can also add to the list Ambrosius (Koksijde) and Den Hoorn (Lier).

Good whiskyhunting everybody!

13 years ago 0

DevD replied

@Imprimatur , I checked Den Hoon, they have good prices, how far is it from Brussels?

13 years ago 0

Imprimatur replied

@ DEvD it's about 45 minutes (+/- 48 km) but well worth the drive! Enjoy your visit!

13 years ago 0

WhiskyNotes replied

@Imprimatur Not if you're specifically looking for Japanese whisky though. TastToe has a wider selection with much more special releases and it's a lot closer to Brussels.

13 years ago 0

DevD replied

@Imprimatur, How is Cinoco(www.cinoco.com), they are based in Brussels?

13 years ago 0

Imprimatur replied

@DevD never been there so I couldn't say. But I you don't mind a 30 min. drive I can recommend TASTTOE. Like WhiskyNotes said, it's not that far from Brussels and they have a wide selection of whisky's for everybody's wallet and they offer competent advice!

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

WhiskyNotes replied

Cinoco is a wholesaler, you can't walk in there and buy single bottles.

13 years ago 0

charlie7 replied

@DevD : "De Mand" in Muizen near mechelen also has a nice selection of Japanese Whisky. You can order from whiskystore.be and pick up in the store. It's about a 20-30 mins drive from Brussels by car.

13 years ago 0