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Whyte and Mackay Blended Scotch Whisky

Brown Sugar......

0 158

mReview by @mattatec

11th Apr 2011


Whyte and Mackay Blended Scotch Whisky
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Picked this up for 10 quid so I'm not disappointed for the money.

However, Nose - has orange, honey and sugar. Body - Toffee, smooth, no bite. Finish - short, some malt, sprinkle of spice, slight citrus.

It's basic. It's well blended but has nothing special to offer. Has no smoke which I crave and very little depth. Spend a few quid more for Teachers.

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mattatec commented

Tried this again recently (december 2013) and the new bottle would move up a few points on my score. Deeper flavour profile with more sherry and a richer palate. Recommended for the price.

10 years ago 0