Woodford Reserve
Woodford Reserve standard bottle
0 675
pReview by @peanutaxis

- Nose~
- Taste~
- Finish~
- Balance~
- Overall75
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- Brand: Woodford Reserve
- Type: American
- ABV: 43.2%
Last night I was sipping some Slate bourbon. And it was great. I had it in a tasking glass and was enjoying it very much. But I can't do that with this whiskey, because it is too alcoholic.
Granted, it is a nice dram but it's not worth the money. With Scotch if you double the money you spend you really notice it. Not with [this] bourbon it seems. While I can taste that this bourbon is a cut above, say, a Wild Turkey, it's not much of a cut, it's not worth double the $$. Ill definitely go for a Wild Turkey next time.
But back to the alcohol. It perenially frustrates me it is the fashion to bottle whiskys at higher than 40% alcohol. I'm sure this can work with a more powerfully flavoured whisky - like some Islay malts, and maybe even something like Talisker - but it's just a pissing contest in my opinion, a marketing trap which many a 'connoisseur' is only too hyperventilatingly, arm-flappingly willing to fall into, convincing themselves that this whisky must be special. And because they're drinking it; hot-damn, they must be special too! Anyway, all of this leads to me sitting here with a whisky which tastes fine, don't get me wrong, but the nose, the aroma, is vile because all I can smell is alcohol.
Find where to buy Woodford Reserve whisky
p.s. Yes I know you can add water. Firstly, this is just a pain in the arse, and secondly wouldn't it be far better for the bottler to do this? That way they can add authentic pure water, and ensure they add the right amount....No, even it's from a marketing perspective they intended it to be drunk like this, and that was a mistake.