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Reviews by @Nock

Ardbeg Corryvreckan

L11 279 11:44 6ML Ardbeg Corryvreckan

Bought and opened in Virginia 9/15/2013 (Yes, they have Corry bottles from 2011 just now on shelves here in Virginia) Tasting along side L9 231 and a bottle of Uigeadail L13 058 for reference on 9/16/…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 0 294

Ardbeg Uigeadail

L11 028 08:37 6ML Ardbeg Uigeadail

Nose: Sharp high notes of sherry and peat greet your nose while a deep rich powerful fruit notes gurgles in the background. Oranges, raisins and plumbs mix with cinnamon and other spices dancing over…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 1 897

Ardbeg Uigeadail

L13 058 13:13 6ML Ardbeg Uigeadail

Nose: Sharp and sweet nose. Super sweet high tones here: soprano. It is sharp, singes the nose hairs, and dances off . . . lovely. The sweet tone is strong, but underneath is an alto pitch of sour to…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 0 492

Ardbeg Uigeadail

L11 284 14:44 6ML Ardbeg Uigeadail

Nose: Tart and sour quickly greet the nose. It is a lemon lime thing: almost a sour mix. This tart note dominates with a little bit of earth and peat seeping in around it with a healthy bit of lemon rind…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 0 085

Ardbeg Uigeadail

L11 147 09:08 6ML Ardbeg Uigeadail

Nose: Sweet summer fruits along with the dark fruitcake from Christmas: plumbs, figs, raspberries, blueberries, peppermint, candied apples, and fig preserves. The peat is there, but it is much more the…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 0 094

Ardbeg Uigeadail

L7 325 21:14 4ML Ardbeg Uigeadail

Nose: Deep and rich. Chocolate and fruits. Dark black earth and peat, now it changes to candy canes and mint – but just for a second. Tons of spices. This is a great bottle. This tone is a very rich…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 0 093

Ardbeg Uigeadail

L10 151 07:57 6ML Ardbeg Uigeadail

Sample graciously provided by @Victor from a bottle opened that day.Nose: Very dry. Deep and rich peat smoke with tons of high sparkly bits going on. This is amazing. The fruit is very much in the bac…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 0 096

Ardbeg 10 Year Old

L11 194 03:21 6ML Ardbeg 10 Year Old

Nose: Sweet maritime peat greets your nose. Wood chips and splinters, sea salt, seaweed, and wet rocks dominate the middle of the nose. After you get past the peat smoke you can pick up the citric lemon…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 0 393

Ardbeg 10 Year Old

L13 003 09:21 6ML Ardbeg 10 Year Old

Nose: Peat, lime, cream and vanilla. The vanilla suggests a vatting of very fresh ex-bourbon casks (in this case from Jack Daniels). The citrus is stronger and more astringent then what I consider typ…

@NockBy @Nock11 years ago 0 384