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Reviews by @Rantavahti

W.L. Weller 12 Year Old

Like Doughboy from Boyz N The Hood W.L. Weller 12 Year Old

This was only my second wheated bourbon (Rebel Yell was first). Coming from Buffalo Trace distillery, the mash has 75% corn, 20% wheat, 5% malted barley. So the secondary grain used in the mash bill, is…

@RantavahtiBy @Rantavahti9 years ago 0 685

Four Roses Small Batch 2014

The Bitter End Four Roses Small Batch 2014

This is the cask strength limited edition of 2014. Contains bourbons of the age of 11, 12 and 13 years. Majority of 2014 version has the 60% corn, 35% rye and 5% malted barley recipe, which is their…

@RantavahtiBy @Rantavahti9 years ago 0 289

Nikka from the Barrel

A drink for Seven Samurai? Nikka from the Barrel

This has to be something for the Seven Samurai. I straight shooter, but a good one. Brings old Western movies to my mind so naturally, made me think of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai. What were those samurais…

@RantavahtiBy @Rantavahti9 years ago 0 888

Glenlivet Founder's Reserve

I won't give this Con Air time Glenlivet Founder's Reserve

While ago, I started a discussion about this Founder's Reserve replacing their 12YO expression in the UK (probably in other parts of the market as well in near future).I decided to give it a chance, even…

@RantavahtiBy @Rantavahti9 years ago 0 280

Bulleit 95 Rye

Like adventurous Indiana Jones Bulleit 95 Rye

This Bulleit comes from MGP of Indiana from Lawrenceburg. Since they call it frontier whiskey and the taste is bold, I'll call it Indiana Jones of whiskey.95% rye and 5% malted barley promises a good…

@RantavahtiBy @Rantavahti9 years ago 0 286

Glenlivet 16 Year Old Nadurra

Be Cool Glenlivet 16 Year Old Nadurra

This Glenlivet showcases a whisky cool, full and fresh. Thick with a sweet palate. Entertains you by being strong, yet mellow. Bit of a fruity character as well. In my opinion, Elliot Wilhelm played by…

@RantavahtiBy @Rantavahti9 years ago 0 189