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Amrut's average rating is 87/100 from 121 reviews and 273 ratings

Amrut reviews

(page 12 of 13)
Amrut Kadhambam Single Malt

Unique barrel and complexity Amrut Kadhambam Single Malt

Nose: Quite unique : Sugar. Pepper. Some peat. Traces of Gin (juniper?) The nose is Quite alcoholic. On second whiff i am getting some chocolate and Damp wood. quite complex, and interesting.Palate: Oily…

@galgBy @galg14 years ago 0 080

Amrut Single Malt Whisky

Indian Sweetshop Amrut Single Malt Whisky

Nose, Taste, Finish and Balance are graded out of 2.5 each:Nose: A floral welcome, with pencil shavings scattered in the air like confetti. A buffet of tangerine syrup and sweet egg sushi is served up…

@OJKBy @OJK14 years ago 0 275

Amrut Fusion

Exotic Calm Amrut Fusion

Nose, Taste, Finish and Balance are graded out of 2.5 each:Nose: A changing-room of a nose, with the smell of fresh mud and spray-on deodorant. A more rustic interpretation would be that of smoking…

@OJKBy @OJK14 years ago 0 180

Amrut Peated Cask Strength

Whisky Tapas Amrut Peated Cask Strength

Nose, Taste, Finish and Balance are graded out of 2.5 each:Nose: A very eclectic medley of flavours right from the off. We have wet mouldy shoes, rubbing shoulders with a used polish-cloth. These slig…

@OJKBy @OJK14 years ago 0 090

Amrut Double Cask 7 Year Old

Oldest and best Indian whisky Amrut Double Cask 7 Year Old

Amrut blended two 7 year old casks for this release, filled in 2002 and 2003. These are the oldest casks that were ever bottled at Amrut distillery.While it may seem young, Amrut says it’s unlikely that…

@WhiskyNotesBy @WhiskyNotes14 years ago 0 690

Amrut Fusion

A great dram from India. Impressive Amrut Fusion

Nose: Oak, Big Big Vanilla notes, and spice. Also some sweet notes of barley. caramelized biscuits and rather gentle peat which adds a new twist to it all. Some fruity notes as well, I’d say over-ripe…

@galgBy @galg14 years ago 0 290

Amrut Fusion

The Meek Shall Not Inherit ... Amrut Fusion

This is my first review, guided along by Serge Valentine's Whisky Tasting PDF "cheat sheet".Let me start by the conclusion; I like this Single Malt. I feel it important to start with the conclusion,…

@olivierBy @olivier14 years ago 0 375

Amrut Fusion

Instant maturity works well Amrut Fusion

Nose: very all-round with clean barley, fruity notes (blood oranges), brown sugar, vanilla and very gentle peat. It has a biscuity quality and the peat gives it an extra dimension. Mouth: mostly oranges…

@WhiskyNotesBy @WhiskyNotes15 years ago 0 486