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Benromach 10 Year Old

Speyside homerun!

3 989

@DutchGaelischReview by @DutchGaelisch

1st Jan 2015


Benromach 10 Year Old
  • Nose
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To be quite honest, I would never thought of buying this bottle. I'm not a typical Speyside lover so it was not on my radar. Then Ralfy named this bottle 'Whisky of the Year 2014' and he got me curious. I started to do some online research. It's should be a 'old-style' Speyside, this means, with smoke! Woehoe! That's what I like, sweetness in the right balance with smoke/peat. I like the Islay Distillers Editions, I like the Ardbeg Uigeadail, and I like the less smoke/peaty ones from Highland Park. The Benromach seems to be in this last area of Highland Park. Further more I discovered that it's a real small distillery, this reminded me of Deanston, a distillery I'm really fond of (Deanston 12 yo). All this was the reason to go for it and buy the bottle for € 35,-.

What is it like? This really is one of the most enjoyable Speyside whiskies in my opinion. The combination of smoke and sherry is handled expertly and the level of quality here is simply amazing. I tasted this bottle and had 4 drams on the same evening, that's a big compliment for Benromach, well done! They made this spot on, the way it should be. It beats Highland Park 12 yo, Benromach 10 yo is a keeper!

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FMichael commented

Odd question if I may?

Which bottling/packaging do you have?

The older metal bronze metal cylinder, or the newer bronze/blue box that we see on Ralfy's latest vlog?

I myself have had the older bottling in the bronze metal cylinder, and I'm wondering if there's any difference in the whisky itself, or just the presentation?

Either way - it's nice - reminds me a bit of the HP 12 yr.

10 years ago 0

DutchGaelisch commented

@FMichael Good question, I forgot to mention. It's the new packaging bottled on 02-06-2014 as it says on the back of the bottle. HP12 comes to mind, but this one has more smoke and more sweetness without losing the balance.

10 years ago 0

BlueNote commented

I've had a couple of bottles of this one. It's a very nice, good value, age stated malt. I never imagined it would be anyone's whisky of the year, but I was very pleased to see Ralfy recognize a good, solid, affordable whisky that all us regular whisky lovers with regular incomes can afford. I'm on my way to get another one--maybe two while they last. Thanks for the excellent review.

10 years ago 0

DutchGaelisch commented

UPDATE I've finished my bottle. I have to say every dram I drunk was an absolute pleasure. This bottle is a 'any day of the year' dram. I prefer in wintertime the more peaty whiskies (Ardbeg) and in summertime the fresh whiskies (Glenmorangie). The Benromach seems to fit all seasons! We'll that's it for now, ready to open my next bottle: Benriach 16 years!

9 years ago 0

Victor commented

Very good whisky, and a very nice review. Thanks, @DutchGaelisch!

9 years ago 0

Bilbo161 commented

@DutchGaelisch Ha, that is funny. I did exactly as you. I saw Ralfy's review a few weeks ago and really like that Ralfy takes into account the cost when picking his whisky of the year. I agree completely that this is a perfect daily dram. Really want to try the Imperial proof now but have not been able to find it as yet. The price difference seems to be a bit much, but I'm going to nab it the first chance I get.

9 years ago 0

DutchGaelisch commented

@Bilbo161 Still love this. At the moment I have stashed up. Prices have gone up 15% since I wrote this review. I've got 3 bottles stashed away just to be sure.

9 years ago 1Who liked this?

Ol_Jas commented

On some forums, this has replaced HP12 as the automatic response to the generic "recommend me a good whisky" questions.

9 years ago 1Who liked this?

BlueNote commented

@OLJas. The HP 12 I'm finding to be a bit variable these days and certainly not what it was 10 years ago. The Benromach 10 is pricier, but definitely a good alternative to the HP 12.

9 years ago 1Who liked this?