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Bowmore Tempest 10 Year Old Batch 6

Average score from 2 reviews and 3 ratings 88

Bowmore Tempest 10 Year Old Batch 6

Product details

  • Brand: Bowmore
  • Bottler: Distillery Bottling
  • ABV: 54.9%
  • Age: 10 year old

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Bowmore Tempest 10 Year Old Batch 6

I first came across Bowmore Tempest in December 2015, when batch 5 appeared in Ontario. I was overwhelmed by its flavour, aromas, and mouthfeel. Around that time it became clear the batch 6 was available in Quebec. I jumped at the chance to arrange a trade of one batch for the other, and we exchanged sample bottles as well. Thanks to @Cricklewood for this sample.

There is no information about the length of time the bottle was open before the sample was prepared and whether it was gassed. This expression is reviewed in my usual manner, allowing it to settle after which I take my nosing and tasting notes, followed by the addition of a few drops of water, waiting, then nosing and tasting.

I am reviewing this and the batch 5 concurrently, and will provide a comparison at the end.


Neat – light syrup, peat, a little iodine. Slight citrus. With time a little floral note eases into the background. 22/25

With water – syrup recedes, nose becomes more muted. With time a hint of sweet grapefruit/pomelo appears, and the nose opens up again. (22/25)


Neat – Smooth arrival, sweet and sour, with peat and citrus zest in the development. 21/25

With water – First sip: BANG! Explosion of sour, citrus, bitter peat, grapefruit pith, some effervescence (what one of our members calls “Whisky pop rocks”). Subsequent sips don’t quite match up to the first. 22/25

Finish: sour, astringent, my tongue feels like it would if I licked an ashtray – with water the experience is very similar. 22/25

Balance: This whisky is not very complex, but what it has is well-balanced (bitter, sweet, sour, peat) and they work well together. 22/25

Score: Neat - 87 /100 With Water: 88/100

Quite a nice whisky, especially with a few drops of water. In scoring I gave the batch 5 a slight edge in comparing the 2, but I acknowledge this is the first time I’ve tried it. I think a “scientific” approach would be to do a H2H with 2 freshly opened bottles, then a few weeks later with the bottles at the same fill levels, which is not out of the question sometime in the future.

Mixing the 2 together (in equal parts) was an absolute success.

@Nozinan After reading your review I thought I would check out my 7 month old, half full bottle of VI. I was surprised to find that it had lost much of its punch and had become somewhat sweet and only a shadow of its freshly opened self 7 months ago. The peat has diminished quite noticeably. It's still very good, but not at all in the same way. I would have rated it 90+ a few months ago, now I would be closer to the mid 80s. I'll try it again in a day or two in case my taste buds are deceiving me. Thanks for that very useful head to head with batch V.

@Nozinan Thanks for suggesting the swap of batches. I have to say my bottle was open for almost 2 months before I decanted a largish (100ml) sample from which I bottled yours. I have now taken the habit of bottling a reference sample upon opening.

From tasting my way through this bottle I can say that on the nose I felt the more brash peat faded quickly. Same thing with the tropical notes on the palate, although that nice earthy bonfire and the citrus has more staying power.

I will do a report as well when I meet-up with Robert (probably later in June)


I have not tried the previous batches of this whisky but have found most Bowmores I have tasted lately a bit lacking in depth (except Laimrig..how I wish I could get another bottle)

When the most recent batch landed on local shelves I pulled the trigger and have not regretted this at all

When first opened the smell made my eyes water or was that tears of joy...

nose: Apricots, vinyl upholstery, sea spray, honey coughdrops, papaya/baby sick, wet campfire. Oyster brine, ripe banana, barley sugar,flinty.

Palate: really juicy, vanilla, oyster liquor, creamy, burnt sugar, buckwheat honey, smoky, marmelade (smoked), wet oak and moss

With water it tames the big alcohol mouth and brings out more of the tropical note and a more flinty/wet rock side.

The balance on this whisky is excellent it's got a big mouthfeel and a great flavor profile. It's a bit too much on the oak manipulation but that can easily be forgiven because of all the beautiful stormy shit happening and is still fairly young.

@cricklewood and @BlueNote I had made a reolution to cut back a bit on purchases. Then this thread reared its' ugly head. Had already placed a bottle of Tempest Vl and Cairdeas 2015 on hold at a Manitoba Liquor outlet 50 Klicks away. Went to pick them up today and Bluenotes regret started eating away at me. Got home with 2 of each. Also person looking after my putting the first two on hold had contacted an outlet in Winnipeg and one of the reps is bringing a bottle of Bowmore Devil's cask ll out for me next week. It was an expensive day but I felt lucky to get these as they are in short supply here in Manitoba.I really enjoy the Tempest series, Cairdeas 2015 supposed to be very good as noted above and I have a few drams left in a Devil's Cask that was very good as well.Wife not home this aft, bottles in bunker. Don't want her to know my resolution omly lasted 3 weeks! Jonesz

@Jonesz sorry to make you break your resolution but sometimes the heart wants what it wants,ha!

Wish I could get my hands on some Laimrig, sadly all gone in QC and Ontario. I think I like it slightly more than the Tempest it ticks off all the right boxes for me, my bottle disappeared in a blink of an eye after sharing with some friends.

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