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Bruichladdich 10 Year Old The Laddie Ten

Salty and sensational

0 790

@MegawattReview by @Megawatt

21st Jan 2013


Bruichladdich 10 Year Old The Laddie Ten
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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I've not encountered many whiskies like this Bruichladdich, if any. On those nose it is quite sweet and very salty. Right away the salty/maritime notes grab your attention. Creamy vanilla, hints of lemon, all drenched in ocean brine. Underneath there is somethig slightly sweaty and sour, not enough to spoil it but enough to make you go, "Hmmm."

In the mouth it hits you with a massive surge of malty sweetness, very big and bold with an oily, full texture. Then the salt kicks in, and with it is a flavour I would swear is peat, though the bottle says it is unpeated. However there is no mistaking that this is an Islay whisky. It may not have the smoke and iodine but something about it's character gives it away.

The finish is long with a salty, peaty tang. Overall this is a sensational whisky that stands apart from pretty well everything else I've tried. Old Pulteny is the only other malt I can think of that combines sweet and salty like this, but this is much bigger on the tongue. So much better than the lacklustre Resurrection bottling I had a while back.

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Onibubba commented

Was this the "Classic" (blue bottle) or the Laddie 10? Personally, I much preferred the Classic. This was one of the very few whiskies that I enjoyed with a splash of water.

12 years ago 0

valuewhisky commented

I think what happens is that any distillery that makes both peated and unpeated whisky ends up getting some phenols in their unpeated whisky. I've heard that the phenols get everywhere and en up being part of the "environment" of the distillery.

I enjoyed your review, by the way. I had a taste of this and really liked it... Need to get a bottle!

12 years ago 0

Rigmorole commented

I like your review, Megawatt, but I'm mystified as to what "latest release" means. Can you furnish a web link with a picture of the label? In Oregon, the 10 year Bruichladdich costs $65 and the 12 year un-chill filtered costs $59.

12 years ago 0

Megawatt commented

Hi Rigmorole,

Yes, it is the new verion that Ralfy reviewed. There have been previous 10 year old Laddies that probably bear little resemblance to this one, since this was made from new stock under new ownership.

To Onibubba: This is the Laddie 10, as it is called on the label. I had a glass of the Classic and thought it was decent but not as good as I'd hoped. Mind you, that was just one glass in a restaurant so I'd like to give it another shot.

12 years ago 0

Rigmorole commented

Tried the 12 year the other day at Highland Stillhouse. The 10 Year New Release is proving hard to find! At any rate, I was not impressed with the 12 year. It has a hint of diesel fumes that just put me off. My girl like it though. The nose featured Anjou pears and there were some very very good flavors in the dram, but no peat in that one. And the diesel fumes, good lord. Horrible. The feeling it left me with was top notch though. A "clean burn" as I would say, in body and mind. Not a total loss and the price for the glass was not bad, around $9.

12 years ago 0

Megawatt commented

Well, Bruichladdich is a strange one. I've not tried to many of their offerings but I've heard that their older releases are hit-and-miss. I reckon you'd like the new 10 more.

12 years ago 0