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Bruichladdich Laddie Classic

Whisky Advent Calendar - Day 15

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@talexanderReview by @talexander

16th Dec 2013


Bruichladdich Laddie Classic
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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This whisky was launched in 2009, with no age statement, as an entry point to the distillery character. Which I think was necessary, as their 200+ expressions can be daunting for the novice. And so, unlike most Bruichladdich expressions, there is no fussing with peat, oak, types of barley, wacky names, etc etc. Just unpeated malt matured in ex-bourbon casks.

Slightly dark gold colour. On the nose, sweet honey mingles with the malt. Slightly briny, like salt spray in the air. Herbal, heathery, with some caramel. Quite light on the nose. Water ups the fresh sea air. I could swear there is a hint of peat there, but they say this is not peated…

On the palate, brinier still, with some tingling on the lips. Very light caramel, creamy mouthfeel and silky smooth. Very gentle vanilla. A few drops of water add quite a bit of spice - going from salt to salt-and-pepper.

The finish is salted caramel, though a wee bit rough. This is a very interesting dram, I quite like it, though it is a bit young and fuzzy. If you like briny whiskies (as I do), I think you will enjoy this. It nicely demonstrates the distillery profile, plain and simple. I'm always hit-and-miss on Bruichladdichs, and this one works because, as I mentioned, Jim McEwan isn't fussing with it.

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Nozinan commented

I am nursing a bottle of this at home. I wish I had picked up a spare but I don't think the LCBO carries it any more. But I just don't have room for a spare of everything

11 years ago 0

Rigmorole commented

Have you tried the Aberlour nonchillfiltered 12? It's quite good. I liked it a touch better thant he Laddie Ten. Not tried this edition. Thanks for the review.

11 years ago 0

sengjc commented

This is on my "to try" list. Based on your feedback, at least it would be an excellent casual dram.

11 years ago 0

Onibubba commented

Nice review! I preferred this one to the Laddie 10. It is my go to "just whisky." I am down to one bottle, and all I can find around town now it the Laddie 10 :(

11 years ago 0

talexander commented

@rigmarole - no, I haven't tried that Aberlour ncf. 12 - I'd be very interested to do a side-by-side with that and the standard 12 and get a sense of the effects of ncf.

@Onibubba - I must admit, I do prefer the Laddie 10, which is probably my favourite Bruichladdich!

11 years ago 0