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Bushmills Original

Second Chances

1 282

@VictorReview by @Victor

10th Mar 2013


Bushmills Original
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Bushmills Original is the mass market expression of Bushmills blended Irish whiskey. The colour is very pale. This review is from a 50 ml mini. This review is in sequential format

Nose: sweet, malty, with a hint of fruit. Very pleasant

Taste: nice grassy grain flavours, lots of anise/black licorice, decent sweet/dry balance

Finish: all of these flavours hold up very well

Balance: EVERY other sample of Bushmills Original I have sampled prior to this one I have actively disliked and considered foul. This one honestly tastes and smells pretty good to me. If I liked anise in whiskey the score for me would go up at least 5 more points. My 82 score is a balance between the 87 score I would give this if I liked anise in whiskey, and the 77 I would give this based completely on my own preferences, which included disliking the taste of anise in whiskey

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talexander commented

Hm I wonder if the mini you had is older than most current bottlings - or if it oxidized more in the mini bottle. I just reviewed it and found it fine - but I didn't like it as much as you liked this sample. I certainly wouldn't call it foul though.

10 years ago 0

Victor commented

@talexander, there are SO many variables in whisky tasting. Since having written this review I have had some Bushmills Original out of a 750 ml bottle which I liked about as well as I liked this mini. I guess that I have become a little more accepting of the Bushmills Original flavour profile too. It is funny when I find my taste expanding in that way: I can enjoy that whisky more than I did, but I still completely understand all of those who cannot yet tolerate the whisky I used to greatly dislike, e.g. Bushmills Original. I have to say that I still have some substantial questions about quality control and batch variation with Bushmills Original. I have had a bunch of samples of it which I actively hated.

And it is not as though I dislike everything coming out of Bushmills, either. I am a fan of Bushmills 21, Black Bush, and Clontarf Single Malt.

10 years ago 0