SafetyPylon started a discussion
9 years ago
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9 years ago
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I believe there is a distillery in Victoria, or nearby on Vancouver Island
9 years ago 0
Davin de Kergommeaux has posted a list of Canadian Craft distillers here:…
This list includes distillers of various spirits, whisky being only one. Most of the distillers are in start-up mode still, and so are producing / selling gin, vodka, rum, etc. It takes three years of aging new make spirit before it can be legally called whisky, so be patient and sign up on the email list of the distillers that interest you.
9 years ago 0
I've enjoyed the Dillon's new make that they have been releasing in A'bunadh-like batches over the past couple of years. It has some good "bones" to it.
I think sometime in 2015 will mark the three year milestone for the original new-make. I figure 2016 might be when we see a whisky on the shelves from their operation.
9 years ago 0
I am looking to expand my collection, and was looking for any recommendations. Has any one had a Canadian Craft Distillery Whisky that they would say I HAVE to have? Still Waters Distillery is on my list (can't wait for their 2nd batch of 100% Rye) as is Dillon's and Toronto Distillery Co.