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Connemara Peated

Reintroduction to Irish Whiskey

0 681

@PeatAndMeatReview by @PeatAndMeat

14th Feb 2010


Connemara Peated
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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This is my first review on this site and I think Connemara Peated Malt is a good uncomplicated whiskey to begin with.

I bought this bottle over the weekend (on impulse) and its a bit of a reintroduction to Irish malts, which I've stayed away from for some time, other than Bushmills.

For around £25 this its pretty damn good value and it would happily be a staple on my shelf.

Nose: Honey, burnt nuts, peat (of cource) and something which reminds me of cocoa powder.

Taste: Woody peat, sweet smoke, more cocoa. Slightly rough on the through but in a good way.

Finish: Smooth but short and uncompromising.

I'm giving this 8/10 which is quite high but it takes into account the value for money which is big factor for me in this case.

Well done Cooley's!

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PeatAndMeat commented

I revisited this dram last night and its safe to say it could easily be a staple whiskey..

15 years ago 0

markjedi1 commented

Nice review! Err, not being a native speaker: what's a 'staple whiskey'? Somehting you might want to turn to every day?

15 years ago 0

PeatAndMeat commented

@markjedi1 Haha, good question. Yeah, strictly speaking you would refer to some food as 'staple' (that which can be stored for use throughout the year).

But in this case I meant - as you say - an every day drink.

15 years ago 0

markjedi1 commented

Ah. Thanks for the clarification. In Belgium we tend to call this a daily dram :-)

15 years ago 0

PeatAndMeat commented

Keeping it simple. I like it :)

15 years ago 0

RobIN commented

The more I read about Connemara, the stronger the feeling is, that I need to buy a bottle soon. :D

12 years ago 0