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Connemara Turf Mor

Connemara Paradiso

0 1095

@OJKReview by @OJK

12th Jan 2011


Connemara Turf Mor
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Nose, Taste, Finish and Balance are graded out of 2.5 each:

Nose: Well, it's Connemara alright, (and at the risk of bludgeoning this review to death with a bad pun before it's even started), just with a little "more turf". Literally wafts of turf - wet mud specifically, like a changing room after a game of football in the rain. Within the turf notes there is also clay and white chalk, the kind used on a blackboard, and even plasticine. Classic coastal notes of seaweed and brine are richly represented, along with the usual peat suspects charcoal and smoke. As we dig deeper there are more unique flavours to savour, such as dark chocolate infused with chilli, burnt pork sausage, baked potato, unripe apple, bitter marmalade, lime and and extra strong mints. As we step back and go in for one more nosing, there is an overwhelming undertone of Lapsang Souchong tea. Amongst the very best noses I have had the privilege of exploring. 2.5

Taste: A warm and rich coating of turkish delight, melon and nougat, with a balancing note of jalapeno spice. Further velvety sweet notes come in the form of trifle, guava and meringue. Blissfully indulgent. 2.0

Finish: A soothing plume of honey and lemon smoke, condensing into a peaty molten brown sugar, drizzled over wood-smoked melon, nougat and pomegranate served on a platter of wood-bark. The show is closed with a Lapsang Souchong serenade that leaves us swooning. 2.5

Balance: As I attempt to summarise my experience of this whisky, I'm going to do my best to avoid knee-jerk hyperbole. I don't think I would be exaggerating however if I said this was amongst the finest consumable substances I have had the pleasure of tasting over the past 12 months. That said, Connemara is very much a personal favourite of mine, and this is like going to see your favourite film that you've only ever seen on DVD, now re-mastered with added bonus material and deleted scenes, projected in 35mm big-screen glory and viewed from the royal box of the Royal Albert Hall, which has been privately rented for the evening for your own personal enjoyment. OK, so I've succumbed to the hyperbole... 2.5

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dbk commented

Based on your fantastic review, @OJK, I'd add it to my wishlist if it wasn't already there! I can't wait to try this one.

14 years ago 0

Victor commented

Wow. I would love to try both this one and the Cask Strength.

14 years ago 0

AboutChoice commented

Hi @OJK ... I think that was the most tantalizing review on Connosr to date ! Almost makes me want to drop everything I am doing, and immediately seek out some Turf Mor ... and well, some Connemara in general :) Sadly, my state of Michigan does not carry it :(

14 years ago 0

OJK commented

Thanks very much @AboutChoice, I'd say the credit for that goes to the whisky itself and not the review! Sorry to hear it's not available in Michigan, I would get on the guys on the Cooley page to get it shipped out there!

@dbk and @Victor, I very much look forward to hearing your thoughts once you've had a chance to try it. As you mention @Victor, the Cask Strength is almost just as brilliant and more widely available, so it may be the easier first stop!

14 years ago 0

markjedi1 commented

It's my fav Connemara expression to date.

14 years ago 0

BlueNote commented

Nice one OJK. I just picked up my first Irish, Redbreast 12. Haven't cracked it yet. I'm pretty sure my next one will be the Connemara based on your review and the comments here. Thanks.

14 years ago 0

Victor commented

@BlueNote, there isn't any peat in the Redbreast 12, but it is excellent stuff! @OJK, still haven't seen any Turf Mor out my way, but I am optimistic that I shall be buying a bottle of Connemara Cask Strength tomorrow!

14 years ago 0

dbk commented

@Victor, I don't think you'll be disappointed by the Connemara Cask Strength!

14 years ago 0

SvenFonteyn commented

A real nice Whisky from Connemara. I have tasted it @ the whisky festival in Ghent Belgium. And I took the bottle home.

14 years ago 0

Victor commented

@dbk, you are absolutely right, the Connemara Cask Strength is very delicious!

14 years ago 0