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Crown Royal Limited Edition

Dark Toast

0 081

@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

23rd Dec 2012


Crown Royal Limited Edition
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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More than 90% of what is produced at Gimly goes to the production of Crown Royal. The other 10% serves as flavouring whisky for other brands from the same stable, such as Canadian 83, Five Star and V.O. Crown Royal is their best selling Canadian. Today, we will try the Limited Edition.

The nose shows more vanilla than the standard version. Burnt sugar too. And a little heavier on the rye and clear hints of cloves. Less sweet, what does not mean that this is not sweet, of course. Au contraire.

On the palate it is fuller and creamier and the rye is the first thing that hits you. Cloves, yes. Hints of saffron and some nutmeg. The same dried banana and something of dark toast with a fat layer of farmer butter. Nice development, without becoming complex or challenging.

The finish is medium long and honeysweet, with mildly drying oak.

I must say, this Limited Edition is not much better than the standard. Just a tad different. Thanks, Jean-Francois, for sending me the sample from Canada.

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