Ooh, and old bottling of Dufftown, when then-owner Arthur Bell & Sons still put Dufftown-Glenlivet on their label and were allowed to call their 8 years old a Pure Malt. This is a bottling from the 1980s.
Ouch! The bottle was clearly not sealed well enough. The whisky shows apple and gooseberries, but this is overpowered by an unruly sourness as if from nettles and dandelions mixed with lemon juicy. Very green, if you know what I mean.
The arrival is watery and flat. Again very sour. Lemon and apple juice, honey. Citric acid, there is no other term for it. And loads of OBE, not totally unexpected, but in this case it truly kills the whisky.
The finish is mercilessly long and makes me pull faces. Yikes!
Well, this surely is not a representative tasting note for this bottle, as it is clearly flawed with OBE as a result.
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