Feckin Irish Whiskey
What a Feckin nice dram!
0 687
Review by @RobertH

- Nose21
- Taste23
- Finish21
- Balance22
- Overall87
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- Brand: Feckin
- ABV: 40%
Ok, so I had to buy this because I have a sophomoric sense of humor at times. I had been driving all day from Utah heading north to Calgary. I stopped in at a shop in Missoula Montana at a small store that only a year ago hand nothing at all in the way of Whiskey selections. Boy, has that changed. I think I walked out of there with 12 bottles and I had yet to hit my destination of Calgary somewhere above the border, but such are road trips.
I was chatting up the attractive help when I spotted the bottle... Yes, it said Feckin. Hey, I thought for $23 how could I not pass up something that, even if it tasted bad, was a good conversation starter.
In for yet another surprise. The older I get... well, you know the rest.
I just cracked it open this evening and I was astounded by the character. Was this really an Irish Whiskey? What happened to that all to smooth character that usually left me in the lurch wanting something more than just smooth and sweet? Well, I'll be. There is that smoothness that if one was not careful would just drop a straw in this and sit back with a good DVD of Dr. Who and let the evening just run by, but hey, there is a a little more to this than I thought.
Now this is not a whiskey that will knock your socks off, it starts out with a beautiful nose of grain and heather, just delightful.
The pallet follows with this wonderful body, smooth and with some character. Yes, I taste the spice cake, orange, and nuttiness. Just a slight warming on the way down not to be confused with any kind of cheap burn one might expect with such an inexpensive whiskey.
The finish is sweet and delicate, leaving you wanting not to set down the dram, but to give it another go. It follows with a little brine and creamy cereal.
I would compare this to one if the better Glenrothes vintages in smoothness and is certainly not overbearing.
I must say, quite a pleasant surprise. At such a price point, how could you loose to give it a try?
Very entertaining review! Do I dare ask how you managed to cross INTO Canada with 12 bottles of whisky?? On 2nd thought...maybe I shouldn't... :)