I must confess, I find the age of 28 somewhat odd to bottle, especially given the fact that there is a 25 and 30 Year Old. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. This one has, coincidence or not, the same ABV as his 3 year younger brother.
The nose starts off grassy, but also quite fruity. I get licquorice, sweet malt and tea that’s a bit overdone (the teabag left in the cup too long, know what I mean?). Mint tea, in fact. Breakfast cereals. And cake. Good old fashioned cake.
While the ABV is exactly the same as the 25 Year Old, this one is much softer and more accessible. ‘Rounder’, if you know what I mean. Oily and fruity on the palate, with vanilla and caramel in the lead. Adding a bit of water makes this one slightly more interesting. Less tight and more fruity.
The finish is a tad longer than on the 25 Year Old, on cereal and caramel.
Just like the 25 Year Old, this is a very nice Glen Ord, but if you know that – despite only three years older – it costs almost double, then the choice becomes obvious.
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