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Glenkeir Treasures Blends' average rating is 87/100 from 2 reviews and 2 ratings

Glenkeir Treasures Blends reviews

(page 1 of 1)
Glenkeir Treasures Islay

Young Smokers Delight Glenkeir Treasures Islay

Nose: Smokey brine and vanilla.Palate: Utterly delicious. Bonfire smoke and honey with a creamy vanilla custard.Finish: Warming. Smokey and smooth with chocolate notes and hints of coffee. Dry oak.Bal…

rBy @robslater197810 years ago 0 292

Glenkeir Treasures Islay

The peat pulls it all round Glenkeir Treasures Islay

Glenkeir is The Whisky Shop's own whisky range - and this is a vatted malt comprising whisky from Caol Ila and Bunnahabhain distilleries. This is very drinkable. Dom's review"Nose: Oily and gloopy, a…

@WTCBy @WTC13 years ago 0 082

Our Glenkeir Treasures Blends reviews page may help with these questions

  • Where can I read Glenkeir Treasures Blends reviews online?
  • What is the best Glenkeir Treasures Blends whisky?
  • What is the average rating for Glenkeir Treasures Blends?
  • Is Glenkeir Treasures Blends peaty? Is Glenkeir Treasures Blends smoky?
  • Where is Glenkeir Treasures Blends whisky made?
  • Where can I buy Glenkeir Treasures Blends whiskey?
  • What Scotch region is Glenkeir Treasures Blends from?
  • Is Glenkeir Treasures Blends classed as whisky or a whiskey?