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Glenlivet 16 Year Old Nadurra

Citrus, Vanilla, Dry Bite

0 488

@VictorReview by @Victor

28th Nov 2012


Glenlivet 16 Year Old Nadurra
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Thanks to @MarsViolet for the reviewed sample. Glenlivet 16 yo Nadurra is bottled at cask strength

Nose: strong penetrating sharp vanilla and citrus, with slight grape fruitiness and malt flavours underneath. There is some of the Glenlivet apple-like flavour present too. Rich and robust. Water makes the nose pleasantly floral

Taste: lots of citrus bundled with a bit of apple, more wine flavour than in the nose. There is significant alcohol, but it is not excessive, sampled neat, unless you are very sensitive to alcohol. Vanilla and malt serve as supporting cast in the mouth. Water attenuates the mouth flavours, but brings out additional sweetness

Finish: sharp dry fade to the sharp citrus. Very pointed flavours. I like it. With water added, a smidge of unattractive dry and bitter wood emerges

Balance: This is a very nice sample of Glenlivet Nadurra. The sweet and dry balance is very good, and the alcohol is not overpowering to experience. I have had other samples of Nadurra I didn't like as well. I expect that there might be great variability and lesser coherence in flavours when the Nadurra starts to oxidise. I prefer this without water

For me, this sample rates 88. I've had others that would be at 75. My advise: Drink your Nadurra fresh. It is much better before oxidation sets in

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FMichael commented

Nice review Victor!..I myself am not a fan of the Glenlivet 12 yr, and was hesitant on taking a risk on the Nadurra...With that said - my local Costco has the Nadurra at a very reasonable price, and I'm really glad I took the chance, and gave it a try...I've been enjoying it so much that I went ahead, and purchased a 2nd bottle earlier today.

12 years ago 0

WhiskyBee commented

Thanks for another fine review, @Victor. I also notice the sharp citrus finish in the Nadurra, and it's my favorite part of the experience. I must be more prone to hiccups than you when it comes to drinking the cask-strenghers without water, but the Nadurra is one I can enjoy straight up. Thanks also for the tip about the oxidation. My bottle is down just below the top of the label, so it may be one that either decant or finish before the holidays.

12 years ago 0

valuewhisky commented

Victor, nice review, but I found your oxidation comment interesting. In general I keep few bottles open so drink them much faster than you, but I went through a bottle of Nadurra over the course of 4 months and I took particular note of how little it changed in that time; generally I notice changes over 4 months but not with this one.

12 years ago 0

Victor commented

Hello @valuewhisky. Yes, whiskies do show very individual responses to the presence of oxygen. What I was noting in my comments about other samples of Nadurra that I have had was that the ones that I found to be unappealing seemed to have lost a coherence which made me think that the changes were due to oxidation. Unfortunately in those cases I did not have accurate information about just how long the bottles had been open. From my past observations, 4 months is usually still a pretty fresh bottle. The serious problems I have seen have usually been after about 8 months or more after the bottles have been opened. So my comments about oxidation of Nadurra are more a surmisal and an observation based on similar patterns with other whiskies, rather than a study in the time process of aging of these specific samples. The disintegrative pattern with the flavours of the "best quality" Nadurra compared to the "lesser quality" Nadurras which I have sampled, appears to me to be very parallel to changes I have seen in other whiskies due to oxidation.

12 years ago 0