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Greenore 8 Year Old

Unique and exceptional silky smooth taste

0 672

@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

3rd Oct 2009


Greenore 8 Year Old
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Greenore is matured in single use bourbon casks, giving it the suble vanilla tones and honeyed sweetness that is so characteristic for Greenore. It has a truly distinctive taste (as does the 15 yrs).

The nose is soft, mostly sweet corn and delicious hints of bourbon and lemon.

The taste is a rich, melt-in-your mouth grain with a hint of barley.

A wonderful journey for your taste buds and quite different from most other whiskies I've come accross (admittedly not that many so far).

This - along with the 15yrs variety - are my personal favorites.

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dbk commented

I discovered Greenore 8 year-old last night at the local whiskey joint and was very pleased with it. Like markjedi1, I found it had a lovely vanilla sweetness, though admittedly I did find it a little too saccharine by the end of the dram. I also tasted a hint of menthol, like Green Spot (but pressed further into the background), that made for a nice contrast to the vanilla. I will have to try it again...

14 years ago 0

LeFrog commented

Based on this review it sounds like a must have whiskey.

14 years ago 0

markjedi1 commented

@dbk glad you liked it. This is, in my book, a very good aperitif whiskey. The 15-year old is a tad better, but at double the price, I'd rather have two bottles of this one.

14 years ago 0

sonofwatt commented

Watched the video review. Very informative. I'm very interested in trying this whiskey! I'm curious, where is your accent from?

Also, you seem to be a big fan of this whisky. I'm surprised it only got a score of 72.

12 years ago 0

markjedi1 commented

Hello @sonofwatt, I'm not sure what my accent is, I'm Flemish (Belgium) after all, so not a native speaker. Yes, I am a big fan of Greenore, but that doesn't mean it has to score very high in the grand scheme of whiskey. This is an entry-level, aperitif style single grain. Very good in its own right. The 18 Year Old scores a lot higher.

12 years ago 0