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Jameson 18 Year Old

Creamy rich fruit

0 086

nReview by @numen

20th Nov 2012


Jameson 18 Year Old
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Nose: Higher pitch and more floral than the small pot reserve. The vanilla is rather more prominent here, and in a very buttery rich whipped cream/airy ice cream way. The base aroma is honey on a cool fruit salad. Pear, peach, and other fruits with white meat. Pinch of cinnamon and anise, and very refreshing.

Palate: Oooh, citrusy and spicy! This is going somewhere new and exciting. I really like how this kicks out. Pepper and cinnamon on the fruit simmering in honey, vanilla, and cloves. Oils from pressed violets (it does taste 'purple,' which, Homer Simpson argues, IS a fruit.) Creamy. Fruit pie a la mode with almonds.

Finish: Not the strongest or longest, but very heavy on the same general flavors as the small pot reserve. There's more wood, spice, and honey in thi sone. Very tasty, though I probably prefer the SPR. Both, though, are clearly cut from the same cloth. I half think that this could be a bit richer, but I don't think that the ABV is the issue. Who am I kidding? This is lots of fun! I'm looking forward to trying a Vintage Reserve at some point. This one settles in nicely B/B+ (86)

First time in a long time that I really tinkered with Jameson, and I really hope that I don't wait so long until I do again!

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