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Laphroaig Quarter Cask

Ah finally more Laphroaig!

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@GotOak91Review by @GotOak91

13th Aug 2013


Laphroaig Quarter Cask
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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This particular bottling is aged 5 years in the usual ex-bourbon barrels then moved to quarter casks for a short stay of 7 months. This younger bottling is bottled at 48% which is slightly higher than the 10 yr. I found this bottle at my favorite bar, it seemed to be a new bottle as I haven't seen it there in the last few weeks. Anyways off to the tasting!:

Nose: The usual medicinal iodine, smoked meats over a hickory fire near the beach at sunset, earthy goodness that Laphroaig likes to show in their whisky. I found notes of an oily and buttery character as well. With a little more time, sweet vanilla and caramelized sugar attempts to force its way in. Very interesting to find a sweet undertone, I like it.

Body: Relatively tongue-coating, it leaves medium legs that travel at a medium pace when the glass is swirled.

Taste: Smoke and earthy peat are the most noticeable traits, gently bitter oak, a briney character (as if by the sea) and bits of vanilla custard. Strong peppery/peppered meats follow.

Finish: A long finish containing cigar smoke, earthy peat and a large amount pepper draws this Laphroaig bottle to a close.

Overall: A great bottling but I think I like the 10 yr better. Im not sure why but its my opinion.

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teebone673 commented

Thanks for the review. I agree, I like the 10 better. I find the QC a little too sweet. Regardless, this is a quality whisky no doubt.

11 years ago 0

GotOak91 commented

Thank you and yes this is a great bottling

11 years ago 0