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Maker's Mark 46

For those cold nights

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@MatthieuReview by @Matthieu

8th Nov 2011


Maker's Mark 46
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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My first review.

During a my recent very long work run in an exploration camp in northern Québec, I've become quite intrigued with spirits, namely whisky, armagnac and cavlados. Having come home, I've decided to buy a few bottles to try them and see if I liked the taste.

It seems I do, and quite a lot in fact.

This is the fourth whisky I've tried, and the first one I believe I've detected the tastes enough to write a review.

Drunk neat, no water added.

Nose: On the light side, mainly caramel and oak. Not much going on there, but the last whisky I've tasted might have coloured my opinion a bit (a Laphroaig QC).

Taste: Hits the tongue in a big way, with a big sweet taste of caramel and vanilla up front. After a few seconds on the tongue, the spicy cinnamon makes an appearance, bringing a bit of balance to the 46. Going down, the whisky gives a nice warmth that never becomes a full-on burn.

Finish: This is where the oak staves make their contribution. The 46 leaves coating of dry oak and spicy cinnamon on the tongue and palate, reminiscent of cinnamon candy. Your first open mouth breath washes that coating off, with a slightly minty tingle.

Conclusion: It's a sweet and dry bourbon, with enough spice to keep things balance and warm you up. It's going to be a great winter warmer.

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Victor commented

A nice review, @Matthieu. Maker's Mark 46 is nice, and, for me, makes a much better sipper than does the standard Maker's Mark.

About drinking Maker's 46 after Laphroaig: wheated bourbons are a whole different species of taste profile than not only malt whiskies, but also than rye bourbons as well. I find that it is very difficult to do justice to tasting wheated bourbons unless they are tasted on a fresh clean palate. A strong rye bourbon residue first in the mouth will clash with and overwhelm the more delicate wheat flavours. This is even true for Maker's Mark 46, which, while wheated, has a much stronger overall flavour profile than most wheaters because of much stronger wood flavours than most of the wheated bourbons. Something highly peated like Laphroaig would just wipe out the ability to taste the Maker's 46 if it were in too close a proximity, I should think.

13 years ago 0

Matthieu commented

It seems my writing skills are at fault here: the Laphroaig was the last whisky I tasted, yes, but that was two days before I tasted the Maker's 46. It coloured my impressions, it did not numb my palate. :)

I know wnough about whiskies not to judge one after tasting a peated one beforehand.

13 years ago 0