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Mortlach Rare Old

Mortlach, Ardbeg10Auchentoshan3wood

0 784

@ErlendReview by @Erlend

3rd Dec 2015


Mortlach Rare Old
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This Mortlach is very good and I tasted it against two somewhat cheaper favourites of mine. It tastes Speyside.I should test it up against the Balvenie doublewood. Its kind of similar.It is a bit oaky, and there are some sherry. Rounded in a fine way. A hint of etanol coming through. The auchentoshan 3wood is a bit sharper and and more sherry and sugarperfumed. More honey in the Mortlach. More oak and sherry in the Auchentoshan. These are reallly good, but I like the Ardbeg 10 even more, because its rounder and softer. I am a real softdrink fan. Guess what. I will never ever buy one more botttle of this Mortlach.It is a super dram, but pricewise it can not compete with the chaper Auchentoshan three wood and the ardbeg 10, which gives me the same amount of pleasure. But this Mortlach is indeed very good. More honey than the other two. The very soft Ardbeg 10 gives me more of the marsh and the peat , in a very soft and pleasing way. Auchentoshan three wood is one of the best cherrygardenexperiences ever, but probably not as much as thoe made in Taiwan.

My recommandation. If you want the sherrygarden scent, the auchentoshan three wood is very well smelling, and if you wanthe soft mars peat, the ardbeg 10 is fantastic (maybe slightly less fantastic than the corryvreckan)

To billionaires i will recommend the Mortlach. It is to pricey, but it is really worth a taste to them that dont care about some money. It id different to these other two fine rams, and it is pleasing.

THE ARDBEG 10 IS THE OVERALL WINNER. It is at least the same quality of experience , and it is the chepest of those three. The other two are different, and that is their main advntages.

I added a couple of drops of highland norweigian wellwater two all those drams.

The biggest drawbacks with the Mortlach rare old is the price and a little more etanolscent than I prefer. do not concider that its more worth than the two tóther drams. But its a very fine oaky honey thing. Fantastic for honey lovers, and its very soft fine and round.

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Nozinan commented

The Mortlach is neither Rare nor Old. I have tried it. it is nothing I would ever buy. Even my IB version I gave a 77 to is better. Dilute, coloured and chill-filtered.

Yes, let the billionaires drink it and leave the good stuff for the rest of us.

9 years ago 0

BlueNote commented

$105 here in BC and a total rip off for NAS mediocrity. I doubt billionaires are buying this stuff. The text of your review indicates a score in the high 70s, maybe 80. Difficult to determine whether you liked it or not, but I enjoyed your review.

9 years ago 0

Erlend commented

I do consider the Mortlach Rare Old common young whiskey to be very good, and would bought it if the price were at the same level as Bushmills Black Bush. But I can get ca 900ml Black Bush for the price of 500 ml Mortlach. I also think that the Rare OLD is very fine wrapped, and easy to drink. Maybe I generally rates whisky to high, but I dont find much negative about this pleasing dram. Only slightly too much etanolsmell. The false colour doesnt bother me, because I dont think that sugarcolor added makes it to sweet. The price is its problem. NAS means that the youngest part of this bottle might be 3 years and a day, and it can not compete with the best of more matured and less diluted whiskys. The chillfiltration, what is the problem with that? I couldnt find anything bad. It is a fine honeyoakwhisky, and should be very good for honeylovers. About NAS, I really love two NAS-bottles. The Ardbeg Corryvreckan and the Glenlivet Nadurra (white-oakversion), which both are bottled at cask strenght. I think the Corryvreckan is better than the Ardbeg 10, but will taste them side by side soon. The Mortlach is better than mediocre NAS. I tasted a lot NAS at a whiskyfestival, and the Mortlach was clearly in the upper half, and actually so good that I bought a bottle.

9 years ago 0

Erlend commented

The price at Vinmonopolet , Norway is 550 NOK/65 US dollars/86 Canada dollars/43 GBP/60 Euro. Remember The Rare old is only 500 ml when the other are 700ml.

The Ardbeg 10 sells for 570 NOK, and the Bushmills Black Bush ca 430 Nok. Auchentoshan Three Wood goes for 630 NOk, and the Glenlivet Nadurra 609 NOK.

9 years ago 0

Alexsweden commented

Well taste of course is very subjective, I'm glad you've found something you really enjoy. I haven't tried the rare old myself so I've got no personal input on the taste.

9 years ago 0

Alexsweden commented

Well taste of course is very subjective, I'm glad you've found something you really enjoy. I haven't tried the rare old myself so I've got no personal input on the taste.

9 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

Chill filtration can remove a lot of good elements I the mouthfeel and affect the flavour. There is no reason for it other than to prevent the whisky going cloudy when diluted below 46%.

So it is a branded whisky, and its marketing drives up the price of other whiskies as does the overall NAS trend.

9 years ago 0