Of course this is meant to be a mixer but let's taste it on its own, just for kicks: you know I like to do that as much as possible, I think it allows a deeper understantding of the mixer, even if it's not a heavenly experience.
Today the chosen one is this blend of Highlands and Lowlands that's been around since the 1960s and that has a bargain price, €10 for a 70 cl bottle (and there's a 50 cl one for about one buck less.)
By the bye, I reviewed this back in April 2015, and it was an old (but unopen) half-liter bottle.
It poured light golden with a very subtle greenish cast and displayed a medium-intensity aroma: breakfast cereal, caramel, a hint of vanilla; also smoke and cedarwood.
Mouthfeel started somewhat aggressive and a little too warm, but then again this is a mixer. Then it turned out to be pleasantly bitter and it lasted longer than expected in the aftertaste, with some undergrowth and exotic wood reminiscences, so I must say that, being nothing but a cheap mixer, it's quite a respectable one.
Comment on @huineman's review