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Problems with web browsers

0 15

Nozinan started a discussion

Is anyone else noticing problems logging in to Connosr? A few days ago I noticed that when I used my iPad, no matter what cookie settings I used or what browser, I could log in, it would take me to my member page, but I couldn't post anything. On the account dropdown, it would only give me the options of joining or logging out.

Tonight I noticed the same thing using internet explorer. Slowly but surely I'm losing the ability to communicate on Connosr. All I have left is firefox and chrome.

Does anyone know what's going on?

10 years ago

15 replies

Pierre replied

I've just logged in with my iPad with no problem and a full Account drop down. I'm posting this message using the iPad.

I'm running IOS 7.1

I'm going to update to IOS 7.1.2 to see if that causes problems.

10 years ago 0

Pierre replied

I've just updated the iPad to IOS7.1.2

I've logged back in to Connosr and still have a full Account drop down.

I'm posting this message using the iPad.

Maybe there's a problem with your iPad device or software?

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied


It's possible it's a hardware problem but I have the same update you do and I've tried it on 2 different iPads. I also tried 2 other browsers on iPad.

And I have the same problem on my PC with internet explorer....


10 years ago 0

Pierre replied

@Nozinan I'm mostly mac but have access to a PC with IE

Which version of Windows/IE are you running?

Strange that you're having problems with multiple devices - are these all through the same connection?

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

All through the same router. Works on my PC on firefox, and on safari on my mac. Try clearing your cookies on your iPAD then trying again. That's how I noted it.

10 years ago 0

Pierre replied

@Nozinan I've just cleared my cookies on Safari on my iPad, logged back in and still no problems.

I'll ask Jean-Luc to have a look at this when he's back from annual leave.

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied


Thanks for trying. I have now lost access on my Macbook Pro (regardless of which browser I use). I feel like I am slowly losing the ability to reach out and connect... I have only a single point of contact (PC with Firefox)...when that goes....

10 years ago 0

Pierre replied

@Nozinan are you sure it's not your connection? Have you tried any of the devices on a different router?

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied


I will do that today and get back to you. If it is my connection, why does it only affect Connosr?

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied


no luck. I tried it at work. same issue

10 years ago 0

Pierre replied

@Nozinan Unfortunately I'm not the technical half of the Thiebauts. I'll have to refer this to Jean-Luc next week. He'll hopefully be able to shed some light. Can you bear with us?

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied


Of course I'll bear with you, but as I'll be out of town next week with only my iPad, I may be in read-only mode for that week. If Jean-Luc emails me (I emailed him about this) I will get that and be able to reply.

10 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

Hi @NozinanB I've reset the sessions table in the database, can you try logging in with your @Nozinan account again? Sorry to hear that you're having these issues.

10 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@NozinanB I found a slight database glitch with your @Nozinan account. It should be fixed now :)

10 years ago 5Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

Indeed it seems to be working... This post is evidence of that.

Thank you very much for getting me back into the game!

10 years ago 1Who liked this?