sengjc started a discussion
11 years ago
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11 years ago
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Both Redbreast 12 CS and 15 are a good bit different from the standard 12. I prefer the 12 CS to the 15, but you may well prefer the 15 to the 12CS. If I were you I would make friends of someone who owns both and find out for yourself what they taste like. Have some drams with a new friend and swap samples.
My taste? Redbreast 15 is a lot of tired old dilapidated oak, like Jameson 18 and Glenmorangie 18. I don't care much for any of these three. They are drinkable, but I wouldn't buy a bottle of any one of them. But you might well like those flavours.
11 years ago 2Who liked this?
I too preferred the 12 CS. I tried both at the same time in Ireland last year, I ended up coming home with the CS. It had a little more kick and spiciness the 15 didn't have.
11 years ago 2Who liked this?
@sengjc Great topic. I have had all three the 12yr is my favorite. Many good things can be said about all three. The 15yr old and the 12CS are also good. If my non expert opinion was worth anything I would give the 12yr 4 out of 5 stars, the 12CS 3.8 out of 5 stars, and 15yr 3.5 out of 5 stars. To me they are really that close. Hope this was helpful. :)
11 years ago 1Who liked this?
You mention you're trying to 'broaden your horizon', so would you consider something that's not another Redbreast? If so, then I can highly recommend Powers John's Lane 12 year old.
I was thoroughly surprised when I tasted it. I think the common descriptor among the 30 odd people in the room was simply 'elegant'.
11 years ago 1Who liked this?
Don't know if Jim Murray's opinion means anything at all to you, but here it is:
11 years ago 1Who liked this?
The 12 year old Cask Strength, no doubt about it! Fantastic stuff!
11 years ago 1Who liked this?
@Whisk : Sure thing, something to look out for the next purchase.
To all, thanks for the input. I ended up getting the 12 YO CS. There appears to be more general liking for the 12 YO CS than the 15 YO & since the 12 YO already works for me, in CS form it should work even better.
11 years ago 1Who liked this?
Trying to broaden my whisk(e)y horizons by delving into Irish.
I have tried the Redbreast 12 YO and liked it. Just wondering where do I go from there.
The Redbreast 15 Year Old or the Redbreast 12 Year Old Cask Strength?