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Redbreast's average rating is 87/100 from 66 reviews and 210 ratings

Redbreast reviews

(page 3 of 7)
Redbreast 12 Year Old Cask Strength

Four Irish - Part IV Redbreast 12 Year Old Cask Strength

What better way to finish off an Irish tasting than with a pot still whiskey (one of my favourite styles), and a cask strength one at that? I believe this is the second batch of Redbreast 12 Year Old…

@talexanderBy @talexander8 years ago 0 1594

Redbreast 15 Year Old

The Boondock Sainst come marching Redbreast 15 Year Old

I have to make it clear right from the start, this dram is much better than The Boondock Sainst movie. Redbreast 15YO has complexity and it strikes with force especially in the finish – a mobster movie…

@RantavahtiBy @Rantavahti9 years ago 0 092

Redbreast 12 Year Old

Why I Love Whiskey! Redbreast 12 Year Old

This is the one that truly made me fall for whiskey and start drinking it seriously. This review is the Cask Strength edition (58.6%).Nose: For me I get an initial hint of jerky that is quickly replaced…

FBy @Freedomtoast10 years ago 0 091

Redbreast 12 Year Old

Pot stillness in a glass Redbreast 12 Year Old

Redbreast is Jameson’s brand of pure Irish pot still whiskey. The quality is consistent with their other products, although this seems to have got pricey of late which is disappointing, the 15 year old…

@UisgebethaBy @Uisgebetha10 years ago 0 088

Redbreast 12 Year Old

Light and tasty Redbreast 12 Year Old

Redbreast 12-year single pot still Irish Whiskey is triple distilled and matured in the finest oak casks for not less than 12 years. I purchased this for St. Patrick's Day in 2012 as it was the only…

cBy @canadianbacon10 years ago 0 083

Redbreast 12 Year Old Cask Strength

Irish Brawler Redbreast 12 Year Old Cask Strength

My first review since early May, as I’ve been but a casual sipper since then. Let’s be honest: I found I was drinking for the sake of drinking, rather than for appreciation, so I decided some self-dis…

@WhiskyBeeBy @WhiskyBee10 years ago 2 494

Redbreast 15 Year Old

Decent But Not As Good As The 12 Redbreast 15 Year Old

I recently reviewed the Redbreast 12 Cask Strength and it was days before I could get it out of my mind. It was so insanely good.I had a bottle of it's 15 year old older brother lying around as well and…

@MaltActivistBy @MaltActivist10 years ago 0 686

Redbreast 12 Year Old Cask Strength

Absolutely Stunning Redbreast 12 Year Old Cask Strength

Oh yes! These are the moments you wait for. When simply bringing the glass to your nose gets your pulse racing because you know if it smells this good it's going to taste even better!Irish whiskies are…

@MaltActivistBy @MaltActivist10 years ago 0 395

Most reviewed Redbreast whiskies

Our Redbreast reviews page may help with these questions

  • Where can I read Redbreast reviews online?
  • What is the best Redbreast whiskey?
  • What is the average rating for Redbreast?
  • Is Redbreast a single malt?
  • Where can I buy Redbreast whiskey?
  • Is Redbreast whiskey or Scotch?
  • Where in Ireland is Redbreast made?
  • What does Redbreast taste like?